Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA368 .A55 ANSI S12.40-1990 American national standard sound level descriptors for determination of compatible land use / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S12.42-1995 American national standard microphone-in-real-ear and acoustic test fixture methods for the measurement of insertion loss of circumaural hearing protection devices / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S12.44-1997 American national standard : methods for calculation of sound emitted by machinery and equipment at workstations and other specified positions from sound power level / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S12.60-2002 American national standard acoustical performance criteria, design requirements, and guidelines for schools / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.3-1964 American standard specifications for a high-impact shock machine for electronic devices / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.4-1976 Acoustical Society of America standard method for specifying the characteristics of auxiliary analog equipment for shock and vibration measurements / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.5-1962 American standard recommendations for specifying the performance of vibration machines / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.7-1982 American national standard balancing terminology / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.8-1972 American national standard guide for describing the characteristics of resilient mountings / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.10-1971 American National Standard methods for analysis and presentation of shock and vibration data / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.13-1996/Part 1 American national standard mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines : measurements on rotating shafts and evaluation. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.14-1973 American national standard methods for specifying the performance of shock machines / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.16-1997 American national standard vibratory noise measurements and acceptance criteria of shipboard equipment /
American national standard specification for the design, construction, and operation of class HI (high-impact) shock-testing machine for lightweight equipment /
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.17-1980 American national standard techniques of machinery vibration measurement / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.19-1989 American national standard mechanical vibration : balance quality requirements of rigid rotors. 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.20-1983 Estimating airblast characteristics for single point explosion in air, with a guide to evaluation of atmospheric propagation nd effects / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.21-1998 Method for preparation of a standard material for dynamic mechanical measurements / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.22-1998 Resonance method for measuring the dynamic mechanical properties of viscoelastic materials / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.23-1998 Single cantilever beam method for measuring the dynamic mechanical properties of viscoelastic materials / 1
TA368 .A55 ANSI S2.32-1982 American national standard methods for the experimental determination of mechanical mobility. 1