Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA440 .C25 2009eb High-strength concrete : a practical guide / 2
TA440 .C28s Effects of impulsive loads on fiber-reinforced concrete beams / 1
TA440 .C29 2006 Seventh CANMET/ACI International Conference on Durability of Concrete / 1
TA440 .C32 Causes, mechanism, and control of cracking in concrete. 1
TA440 .C3234 2010eb Concrete durability : a practical guide to the design of durable concrete structures / 1
TA440 .C37 2007 Case histories and use of FRP for prestressing applications : November 8, 2006, Denver, Colorado, USA / 1
TA440 .C47 2002 Transport processes in concrete / 1
TA440 C47 2002eb Transport processes in concrete 2
TA440 .C524 2020 Durability of reinforced concrete structures / 2
TA440 .C55 1997 Chloride penetration into concrete : proceedings of the RILEM international workshop ... St-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, France, October 15-18, 1995 / 1
TA440 .C623 1987 Computer use for statistical analysis of concrete test data / 1
TA440 .C65 Nouvelle conception de la résistance des matériaux (torsion, effort tranchant). : Synthèse de la mécanique des sols et des solides: vérifications expérimentales. Application au béton armé et au béton précontraint. 1
TA440 .C655 1957 Manual of recommended practice for inspection and testing of concrete materials and concrete. 1
TA440 .C66 1987 Constitutive driver for triaxial response behavior of plain concrete / 1
TA440 .C664 2007 Concrete heat development : monitoring, prediction, and management : April 22-26, 2007, Atlanta, Georgia, USA / 1
TA440 .C667 1999 Computational fracture mechanics in concrete technology / 1
TA440 .C673 1973 Concrete quality / 1
TA440 .C677 1996 Fracture mechanics of cementitious materials / 1
TA440 .C677 1996eb Fracture mechanics of cementitious materials 2
TA440 .C68 1994 Controlled low-strength materials : Wayne S. Adaska, editor. 1