Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA462 .S394 2018 Corrosion-resistant linings and coatings / 1
TA462 .S49 1976 Corrosion 1
TA462 .S565 1993 Slow strain rate testing for the evaluation of environmentally induced cracking : research and engineering applications / 1
TA462 .S57 2010 Shreir's corrosion 1
TA462 .S714 2000 Fundamentals of electrochemical corrosion /
Fundamentals of electrochemical corrosion
TA462 .S73 Stress corrosion cracking--the slow strain-rate technique : a symposium / 1
TA462 .S74 Stress corrosion--new approaches : a symposium presented at the seventy-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June 1975 / 1
TA462 .S77 2011 Stress corrosion cracking : theory and practice / 3
TA462 .S789 2001 Surface engineering for corrosion and wear resistance / 1
TA462 .S789 2001eb Surface engineering for corrosion and wear resistance
Surface engineering for corrosion and wear resistance /
TA462 .S85 2011eb Sulphur-assisted corrosion in nuclear disposal systems 1
TA462 .S86 1947 Cathodic protection / 1
TA462 .S866 1976 Corrosion-fatigue technology : a symposium presented at November Committee Week, American Society for Testing and Materials, Denver, Colo., 14-19 Nov. 1976 / 1
TA462 .S87 1949 Minutes. 1
TA462 .S874 1996eb Surface engineering casebook : solutions to corrosion and wear related failures / 1
TA462 .S885 1967 Metal corrosion in the atmosphere : a symposium. 1
TA462 .S9 1959a Physical metallurgy of stress corrosion fracture : a symposium arranged and sponsored by Committee on Corrosion-Resistant Metals, Institute of Metals Division, The Metallurigcal [sic] Society, and Pittsburgh Section, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, presented in cooperation with the Electrochemical Society, National Assn. of Corrosion Engineers, and the American Society for Testing Materials, Pittsburgh, Pa., April 2-3, 1959 / 1
TA462 .S918 1971 Stress corrosion cracking of metals--a state of the art. 1
TA462 .S92 1966 Stress corrosion testing : [papers] 1
TA462 .S94 1970 Handbook on corrosion testing and evaluation / 1