Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA660.P55 S73 2015 Standard design and construction guidelines for microtunneling / 1
TA660.P55 T56 1993eb Pipejacking and microtunnelling
Pipejacking and microtunnelling /
TA660.P55 W38 2000 Structural mechanics of buried pipes / 3
TA660.P59 Fracture analysis of layered beams with an elastically coupled behavior and hygrothermal stresses : application to metal-to-composite adhesive joints / 1
TA660.P6 Thermal stresses in plates and shells /
Theory of plates and shells /
Nonlinear theory of elastic plates /
Homogenization of heterogeneous thin and thick plates /
Asymptotic methods in the theory of plates with mixed boundary conditions /
Plates theories and applications /
Recent approaches in the theory of plates and plate-like structures /
Plate and shell structures : selected analytical and finite element solutions /
Numerical methods and software for dynamic analysis of plates and shells /
Critical stress for an infinitely long flat plate with elastically restrained edges under combined shear and direct stress
Experimental study of deformation and of effective width in axially loaded sheet-stringer panels /
A summary of diagonal tension.
Critical combinations of shear and direct axial stress for curved rectangular panels
Tables of stiffness and carry-over factor for flat rectangular plates under compression
Normal-pressure tests of rectangular plates
Nonlinear large-deflection boundary-value problems of rectangular plates /
Bending of rectangular plates with large deflections /
A Method of calculating the compressive strength of Z-stiffened panels that develop local instability /
Stress and strain concentration at a circular hole in an infinite plate /
The stability under longitudinal compression of flat symmetric corrugated-core sandwich plates with simply supported loaded edges and simply supported or clamped unloaded edges /
Basic principles of plate theory
Critical combinations of shear and longitudinal direct stress for long plates with transverse curvature /
Lecture notes on the theory of plates and shells : classical and modern developments /
Analysis and design of plated structures.
Compressive buckling of simply supported curved plates and cylinders of sandwich construction
Structural analysis of laminated anisotropic plates /
TA660.P6 .A344 2015 Aeroelastic vibrations and stability of plates and shells. 2
TA660.P6 A38 2001 Advances in the mechanics of plates and shells : the Avinoam Libai anniversary volume / 1
TA660.P6 A38 2002eb Advances in the mechanics of plates and shells : the Avinoam Libai anniversary volume / 1
TA660.P6 A39 1990 Advances in the theory of plates and shells /
Advances in the theory of plates and shells
TA660.P6 A43 2015eb Elastic/plastic discs under plane stress conditions / 1
TA660.P6 A85 Theory of laminated plates / 1
TA660.P6 A86 1989 Dynamics of plates and shells, 1989 : presented at the 1989 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, JSME co-sponsorship, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 23-27, 1989 / 1
TA660.P6 A96 2007 Thermo-dynamics of plates and shells / 1
TA660.P6 A97 2007eb Thermo-dynamics of plates and shells 1
TA660.P6 B3413 Berechnungstafeln für Platten und Wandscheiben. : Tables for the analysis of plates, slabs and diaphragms based on the elastic theory / 1
TA660.P6 B37 2008 Innovative surface structures : technology and applications / 1
TA660.P6 B533 2010 Plates and FEM surprises and pitfalls / 1
TA660.P6 B55 2000 Handbook of thin plate buckling and postbuckling / 1
TA660.P6 B55 2001 Handbook of thin plate buckling and postbuckling / 1
TA660.P6 B84 The stability of flat plates / 1