Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA683.5.W34 Concrete shear in earthquake / 2
TA683.5.W34 D29 1995 Vorversuche an einer Stahlbetontragwand auf dem ETH-Rütteltisch / 1
TA683.5.W34 D292 1995 Vorversuche an Stahlbetontragwänden unter zyklisch-statischer Einwirkung / 1
TA683.5.W34 H66 1998 Discrete elements and nonlinearity in design of structural concrete walls / 1
TA683.5.W34 L93 1977 Effect of beam strength and stiffness on dynamic behavior of reinforced concrete coupled walls / 1
TA683.5.W34 S75 1994 Stiffness of low rise reinforced concrete shear walls / 1
TA683.6.P65 G85 1987 Guide for the design and use of concrete poles / 1
TA683.7 .B334 2010  
TA683.7 .B57 1988 Design of precast concrete structures / 1
TA683.7 .E43 2017eb Precast concrete structures / 2
TA683.7 .G46  
TA683.7 .P74 PCI design handbook : precast and prestressed concrete. 1
TA683.7 .P74 1973 Architectural precast concrete. 1
TA683.7 .P74 1978 PCI design handbook : precast and prestressed concrete. 1
TA683.7 .S413 Large-panel buildings / 1
TA683.7 .S95 1966 Proceedings / 1
TA683.7 .W33 Precast concrete: handling and erection / 1
TA683.9 Precast prestressed concrete for building structures
Modern Prestressed Concrete : Design Principles and Construction Methods /
Modern prestressed concrete : design principles and construction methods /
TA683.9 A245 2014 Prestressed Concrete Designer's Handbook, Third ed / 1