Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA684 .B77 Modern steel construction in Europe. : Editorial committee: J. van Ettinger [and others] 1
TA684 .B78 Structural steel design / 1
TA684 .B785 2006 Bracing cold-formed steel structures : a design guide / 1
TA684 .B785 2006eb Bracing cold-formed steel structures : a design guide / 1
TA684 .B82 Design of steel structures / 1
TA684 .B82 1968 Design of steel structures / 1
TA684 .B8447 1998 Ductile design of steel structures / 1
TA684 .B8448 1973 The stressed skin design of steel buildings / 1
TA684 .B89 1994 Fundamental structural steel design--ASD / 1
TA684 .C434 2020 Advanced steel design of structures / 2
TA684 .C436 1988 Sheet metal craftsmanship : progress in building / 1
TA684 .C58 1987 Structural steelwork : limit state design / 1
TA684 .C63 1993 Cold-formed steel in tall buildings / 1
TA684 .C635 2009eb STESSA 2009 proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 16-20 August 2009 / 2
TA684 .C635 2018 Behaviour of steel structures in seismic areas : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 9th International Conference on the Behavior of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (STESSA 2018), February 14-17, 2018, Christchurch, New Zealand / 1
TA684 .C64 1969 Design in high-strength structural steels : proceedings of the Conference on Design in High-Strength Structural Steels jointly organized by BISRA--the Inter-Group Laboratories of the British Steel Corporation, The Iron and Steel Institute, The Institute of Structural Engineers, and the British Constructional Steelworks Association, held at the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne, 9-11 April 1969. 1
TA684 .C65 1969 Proceedings of the Conference on Steel in Architecture : held at Nash House, the Association of Societies of Art and Design, Carlton House Terrace, London S.W.1, 24th to 26th November, 1969. 1
TA684 .C66 2003 STESSA 2003 : proceedings of the Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, 9-12 June 2003, Naples, Italy / 1
TA684 .C66 2012eb Stessa 2012 : proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, Santiago, Chile, 9-11 January 2012 / 2
TA684 .C73 1985 Connection flexibility and steel frames : proceedings of a session / 1