Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
TA7 .W34 TR HL-79-5 | Shoaling in harbor entrances : hydraulic model investigation / | 1 |
TA7 .W342.C4 v.CERC-95-1 | CORE-LOC® concrete armor units / | 1 |
TA7 .W343.S38 1994 | Geomorphology and quaternary geologic history of the Lower Mississippi Valley / | 1 |
TA7 .W5 | Report. | 1 |
TA9 |
Practically Speaking : a Dictionary of Quotations on Engineering, Technology and Architecture. A dictionary of construction, surveying, and civil engineering / |
3 |
TA9 . A6 1961 | Anglo-russkii stroitel'nyi slovar' / | 1 |
TA9 .A73 1986 | Arabic dictionary of civil engineering : English-Arabic, Arabic-English / | 1 |
TA9 .A8 1962 | ||
TA9 .B89 | Dictionary of civil engineering and construction machinery and equipment, English-French. : Dictionnaire pour les travaux publics, le bâtiment et l'équipement des chantiers de construction, anglais-français. | 1 |
TA9 .B9 1958a | Wörterbuch für Ingenieurbau und Baumaschinen = Dictionary of civil engineering and construction machinery and equipment / | 1 |
TA9 .C33 | International dictionary of building construction. : English, French, German, Italian / | 1 |
TA9 .D47 1985 | Dictionary of building and civil engineering English, German, French, Dutch, Russian / | 1 |
TA9 .E6 | "Engineers" : listing of the engineers of corporations with their official duties and connections / | 1 |
TA9 .F47 | Terminologie des Hoch- und Brückenbaues. : Glossary of building and bridge construction. Englisch/Deutsch. English/German. | 1 |
TA9 .F53 1997 | Illustrated engineering dictionary : Bildwörterbuch Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik ; Englisch/Deutsch-Deutsch/English / | 1 |
TA9 .F53 1999 | Illustrated engineering dictionary = Bildwörterbuch Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik : ; Englisch/Deutsch - Deutsch/Englisch / | 1 |
TA9 .G76 | Russian, English, French, German constructional engineering dictionary / | 1 |
TA9 .H3 1965 | Dictionary of civil engineering. | 1 |
TA9 .H36 2014eb | Concise dictionary of engineering : a guide to the language of engineering / | 2 |
TA9 .J295 | Gakujutsu yōgo shū,doboku kōgaku hen. : Japanese scientific terms, civil engineering / | 1 |