Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
TA7 .W34 no. S-75-5 | Wave equation analyses of pile driving : final report / | 1 |
TA7 .W34 no. S-75-11 v.2 | Pavement response to aircraft dynamic loads : volume II, presentation and analysis of data, final report / | 1 |
TA7 .W34 no. S-75-16 | Investigation of K₀ testing in cohesionless soils : final report / | 1 |
TA7 .W34 no. S-77-7 | Evaluation of laboratory suction tests for prediction of heave in foundation soils : final report / | 1 |
TA7 .W34 Paper I | Experiment to determine the effects of proposed dredged cut-offs in the Mississippi River. | 1 |
TA7.W34 R4 1985 | The Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation Research Program : technology for extending the life of America's water resources projects. | 1 |
TA7.W34 S92 | Symposium on Detection of Subsurface Cavities, 12-15 July 1977 / | 1 |
TA7 .W34 TR HL-79-4 | Kissimmee River structures, Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Project : hydraulic model investigation / | 1 |
TA7 .W34 TR HL-79-5 | Shoaling in harbor entrances : hydraulic model investigation / | 1 |
TA7 .W342.C4 v.CERC-95-1 | CORE-LOC® concrete armor units / | 1 |
TA7 .W343.S38 1994 | Geomorphology and quaternary geologic history of the Lower Mississippi Valley / | 1 |
TA7 .W5 | Report. | 1 |
TA9 |
Practically Speaking : a Dictionary of Quotations on Engineering, Technology and Architecture. A dictionary of construction, surveying, and civil engineering / |
3 |
TA9 . A6 1961 | Anglo-russkii stroitel'nyi slovar' / | 1 |
TA9 .A73 1986 | Arabic dictionary of civil engineering : English-Arabic, Arabic-English / | 1 |
TA9 .A8 1962 | ||
TA9 .B89 | Dictionary of civil engineering and construction machinery and equipment, English-French. : Dictionnaire pour les travaux publics, le bâtiment et l'équipement des chantiers de construction, anglais-français. | 1 |
TA9 .B9 1958a | Wörterbuch für Ingenieurbau und Baumaschinen = Dictionary of civil engineering and construction machinery and equipment / | 1 |
TA9 .C33 | International dictionary of building construction. : English, French, German, Italian / | 1 |
TA9 .D47 1985 | Dictionary of building and civil engineering English, German, French, Dutch, Russian / | 1 |