Call Number (LC) Title Results
TA9 .E6 "Engineers" : listing of the engineers of corporations with their official duties and connections / 1
TA9 .F47 Terminologie des Hoch- und Brückenbaues. : Glossary of building and bridge construction. Englisch/Deutsch. English/German. 1
TA9 .F53 1997 Illustrated engineering dictionary : Bildwörterbuch Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik ; Englisch/Deutsch-Deutsch/English / 1
TA9 .F53 1999 Illustrated engineering dictionary = Bildwörterbuch Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik : ; Englisch/Deutsch - Deutsch/Englisch / 1
TA9 .G76 Russian, English, French, German constructional engineering dictionary / 1
TA9 .H3 1965 Dictionary of civil engineering. 1
TA9 .H36 2014eb Concise dictionary of engineering : a guide to the language of engineering / 2
TA9 .J295 Gakujutsu yōgo shū,doboku kōgaku hen. : Japanese scientific terms, civil engineering / 1
TA9 .J65 1943 Engineering encyclopedia : a condensed encyclopedia and mechanical dictionary for engineers, mechanics, technical schools, industrial plants, and public libraries, giving the most essential facts about 4500 important engineering subjects / 1
TA9 .J65 1954A Engineering encyclopedia ; a condensed encyclopedia and mechanical dictionary for engineers, mechanics, technical schools, industrial plants, and public libraries, giving the most essential facts about 4500 important engineering subjects. 1
TA9 .J65 1963 Engineering encyclopedia : a condensed encyclopedia and mechanical dictionary for engineers, mechanics, technical schools, industrial plants, and public libraries, giving the most essential facts about 4500 important engineering subjects / 1
TA9 .K46 1996 The Wiley dictionary of civil engineering and construction : English-Spanish, Spanish-English / 1
TA9 .K46 1996eb The Wiley dictionary of civil engineering and construction English-Spanish, Spanish-English / 1
TA9 .K466 1996 The Wiley dictionary of civil engineering and construction : English-Spanish, Spanish-English / 1
TA9 .K88 2004 Dictionary of civil engineering : English-French / 1
TA9 .M35 2003 McGraw-Hill dictionary of engineering. 1
TA9 .M35 2003eb McGraw-Hill dictionary of engineering 1
TA9 .M36 1993 McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of engineering / 1
TA9 .P73 1999 Practically speaking : a dictionary of quotations on engineering, technology, and architecture / 1
TA9 .P73 1999eb Practically speaking : a dictionary of quotations on engineering, technology, and architecture / 1