Call Number (LC) Title Results
TC153 .A94 1993 Nickel-containing materials for water control applications / 1
TC153 .B413 Use of radioactive isotopes in hydro engineering : (Primenenie radioaktivnykh izotopov v gidrotekhnicheskom stroitel'stve) / 1
TC153 .B74 2020eb Scouring / 1
TC153 .F6 Contributions to the science of hydraulic engineering / 1
TC153 .G66 2013 Introduction to risk and uncertainty in hydrosystem engineering / 1
TC153 .M35 1995 Manual on the use of rock in hydraulic engineering / 1
TC153 .R44 1993 Reliability and uncertainty analyses in hydraulic design : a report / 1
TC155 .M44 1986 Megatrends in hydraulic engineering : a commemorative volume honoring Hunter Rouse / 1
TC155 .O87 1963 Ōtsubo Kikutarō Hakushi ronbunshū 1
TC155 .S93 1915i Conservation of water by storage addresses delivered in the Chester S. Lyman lecture series, 1914, before the senior class of the Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University / 1
TC157.5 .L66 2001eb Problemas de hidráulica 1
TC157.8 Homotopy-based methods in water engineering /
Modeling shallow water flows using the discontinuous Galerkin method /
Simulation rotordynamischer Problemstellungen mit der Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Methode /
Introduction to Tsallis entropy theory in water engineering /
TC157.8 .A3 Computational hydraulics : elements of the theory of free surface flows / 1
TC157.8 .B7311 1983 Computational hydraulics 1
TC157.8 .C65 2002 Computer applications in hydraulic engineering : connecting theory to practice / 1
TC157.8 .C66 2002 Computer applications in hydraulic engineering : connecting theory to practice / 1
TC157.8 .H93 2010 Hydraulic modelling : an introduction : principles, methods and applications / 3
TC157.8 .H9324 2012 Hydraulic modeling and GIS / 1
TC157.8 .H933 2010eb Hydraulic modelling : an introduction : principles, methods and applications / 1
TC157.8 .H94 1984 Hydrosoft '84 : hydraulic engineering software : proceedings of the international conference, Portorož, Yugoslavia, September 10-14, 1984 / 1