TC540 .P45 2015eb
TC540 .R47
Talsperrenstatik : Berechnung und Bemessung von Gewichtsstaumauern / |
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TC540 .R48 1994
Retaining and flood walls. |
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TC540 .R9 1965
Theory of arch dams : papers presented at the international symposium held at Southampton University, April 1964 / |
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TC540 .S28 2005
The future of large dams : dealing with social, environmental, institutional and political costs / |
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TC540 .S35 1970
Swiss dam technique = Technique Suisse des barrages = Schweizerische Talsperrentechnik / |
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TC540 .S36 1994
A history of dams : the useful pyramids / |
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TC540 .S43
Reservoirs for irrigation, water-power, and domestic water-supply : with an account of various types of dams and the methods, plans and cost of their construction ... / |
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TC540 .S435 2005
The future of large dams : dealing with social, environmental, institutional and political costs / |
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TC540 .S435 2005eb
The future of large dams : dealing with social, environmental, institutional and political costs / |
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TC540 .S437 1985
Seepage and leakage from dams and impoundments : proceedings of a symposium / |
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TC540 .S44
Model studies of the stability of the Oroville dam during earthquakes / |
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TC540 .S95 1998
Symposium, Rehabilitation of Dams : proceedings, 4th November, 1998, New Delhi : ICOLD 66th annual meeting (part A) / |
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TC540 .T36 2005
Dams and appurtenant hydraulic structures / |
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TC540 .T363 2014eb
Dams and appurtenant hydraulic structures / |
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TC540 .T48
The engineering of large dams / |
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TC540 .T87 2008
Dam / |
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TC540 .U54 1974
Design of small dams. |
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TC540 .U55 1967y
UD method of reservoir flood routing. |
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TC540 .U6 1929
Dams and control works : a description of representative storage and diversion dams and high-pressure reservoir outlet works constructed by the / |
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