Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2007-031 Joint Planning and Development Office actions needed to reduce risks with the Next Generation Air Transportation System : Federal Aviation Administration / 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2007-032 FAA continues to make progress in implementing its controller workforce plan, but further efforts are needed in several key areas 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2007-038 Review of staffing at FAA's combined radar approach control and tower with radar facilities 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2007-048 Controls over the Federal Aviation Administration's conversion of flight service stations to contract operations Federal Aviation Administration / 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2007-050 Progress has been made in reducing runway incursions, but recent incidents underscore the need for further proactive efforts Federal Aviation Administration / 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2007-066 Review of Congressional earmarks within Department of Transportation programs 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2007-073 FAA's oversight of inactive Airport Improvement Program grant obligations 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2007-077 Actions needed to minimize long, on-board flight delays 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2007-080 Actions taken to address allegations of unsafe maintenance practices at Northwest Airlines 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2008-002 Prioritization of Airport Improvement Program funding Federal Aviation Administration / 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2008-004 FAA needs to improve ASDE-X management controls to address cost growth, schedule delays, and safety risks 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2008-021 FAA's implementation of runway status lights Federal Aviation Administration / 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2008-022 Review of FAA's Final Monitor Aid tool at Denver's Terminal Radar Approach Control Center Federal Aviation Administration / 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2008-026 Assessment of FAA's risk-based system for overseeing aircraft manufacturers' suppliers Federal Aviation Administration / 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2008-049 Air traffic control modernization FAA faces challenges in managing ongoing projects, sustaining existing facilities, and introducing new capabilities / 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2008-050 Review of reported near mid-air collisions in the New York metropolitan airspace Federal Aviation Administration / 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2008-053 Actions needed to enhance pipeline security Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration / 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2008-055 Review of the air traffic controller facility training program Federal Aviation Administration. 2
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2008-057 Review of FAA's safety oversight of airlines and use of regulatory partnership programs 1
TD 1.1/3-2:AV-2008-087 Observations on short-term capacity initiatives Federal Aviation Administration. 1