TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2007-044
The Federal Railroad Administration can improve highway-rail grade crossing safety by ensuring compliance with accident reporting requirements and addressing sight obstructions Federal Railroad Administration / |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2007-060
Baseline report on major project monitoring of the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project Federal Transit Administration. |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2007-062
Follow-up audit on the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement's cross-border trucking provisions Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration / |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2007-063
Initial assessment of the Central Artery/Tunnel Project stem to stern safety review Federal Highway Administration / |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2007-065
Issues pertaining to the proposed NAFTA cross-border trucking demonstration project Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2008-040
Interim report on NAFTA cross-border trucking demonstration project Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2008-046
Best practices for improving oversight of state highway safety programs National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2008-048
Report on the Central Artery/Tunnel Project, May 2007 finance plan update Federal Highway Administration. |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2008-058
Audit of Federal Transit Administration's oversight of Pioneer Valley Transit Authority electric bus cooperative agreement Federal Transit Administration / |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2008-059
Use of income derived from the Commercial Driver's License Information System for modernization Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration / |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2008-081
Report on the scope and methodology of FMCSA's review of Canadian/Mexican compliance with federal commercial motor vehicle safety standards Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration / |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2008-086
Baseline report on the Lower Manhattan Recovery Projects Federal Transit Administration / |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2009-046
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 oversight challenges facing the Department of Transportation. |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2010-002
Status of Operating Administrations' processes to conduct limited quality reviews of Recovery Act recipient data : Department of Transportation. |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2010-039
Assessment of FHWA oversight of the Highway Bridge Program and the National Bridge Inspection Program Federal Highway Administration. |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2010-054
Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Program, most transactions met program requirements, but program completion activities continue National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2010-066
Actions needed to mitigate risks associated with the Access to the Region's Core project Federal Transit Administration. |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2011-027
Actions needed to strengthen the Federal Highway Administration's national review teams Federal Highway Administration. |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2011-038
The Department of Transportation can improve oversight of the Denali Commission's use of federal transportation funds Federal Highway Administration. |
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TD 1.1/3-2:MH-2011-146
Federal Highway Administration's oversight of Federal-aid and Recovery Act projects administered by local public agencies needs strengthening Federal Highway Administration. |
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