Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD 2.2:R 43/3/985 Rideshare and save : a cost comparison. 1
TD 2.2:R 43/4 Legal impediments to forming carpools, vanpools and other types of ridesharing arrangements / 1
TD 2.2:R 43/4/update Legal impediments to ridesharing arrangements : an update / 1
TD 2.2:R 43/5 Ridesharing : meeting the challenges of the '80s : the report of the National Task Force on Ridesharing. 1
TD 2.2:R 49 Incorporating risk management into transportation asset management plans : final document. 1
TD 2.2:R 53/ The road to your success : opportunities for young engineers in the Federal Highway Administration. 1
TD 2.2:R 53/6 Roadside improvements for local roads and streets / 1
TD 2.2:R 53/7/CONCRE Concrete and structures. 1
TD 2.2:R 53/7/PAVEME Pavement preservation. 1
TD 2.2:R 53/7/SNOW Snow and ice control. 1
TD 2.2:R 53/7/SUPERP The superpave system. 1
TD 2.2:R 53/7/WORK Work zone safety. 1
TD 2.2:R 53/8 Roadside use of native plants 1
TD 2.2:R 59/ Rock slope engineering : planning, design, construction and maintenance of rock slopes for highways and railways. 1
TD 2.2:R 59/2 Rock blasting / 1
TD 2.2:R 59/5 Rock and mineral identification for engineers. 1
TD 2.2:R 59/pt.A-B Rock slope engineering : planning, design, construction and maintenance of rock slopes for highways and railways. 1
TD 2.2:R 59/pt.D-E Rock slope engineering : planning, design, construction and maintenance of rock slopes for highways and railways. 1
TD 2.2:R 88  
TD 2.2:Rr1/12 Urban traffic control system : FORTRAN IV software documentation / 1