Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD 2.30/19:03-078 Low cost traffic engineering improvements a primer. 1
TD 2.30/19:03-088 National highway system (NHS) freight connectors 1
TD 2.30/19:03-098 Travel better, travel longer : a pocket guide to improve traffic control and mobility for our older population /
Travel better, travel longer a pocket guide to improve traffic control and mobility for our older population /
TD 2.30/19:03-139 Crossing boundaries on the road to public-public partnerships : recommendations for improving collaboration among localities, states, and the federal government. 1
TD 2.30/19:04-005 Freight professional development building a freight professional development program in the 21st century.
Freight transportation improvements and the economy /
TD 2.30/19:04-009 Full road closure for work zone operations a cross-cutting study : reducing congestion and crashes through full road closure for maintenance and construction. 1
TD 2.30/19:04-033 Intelligent transportation systems in work zones a case study : dynamic lane merge system : reducing aggressive driving and optimizing throughput at work zone merges in Michigan. 1
TD 2.30/19:04-034 Telecommunications handbook for transportation professionals the basics of telecommunications. 1
TD 2.30/19:04-036 Arterial management 1
TD 2.30/19:04-043 Facilitating Intelligent Transportation Systems deployment 1
TD 2.30/19:04-048 Emergency transportation response 1
TD 2.30/19:04-053 Making work zones work better 1
TD 2.30/19:04-072 Intelligent transportation systems in work zones a case study : work zone traffic and incident management system. 1
TD 2.30/19:05-016 Getting more by working together opportunities for linking planning and operations : a reference manual. 1
TD 2.30/19:05-029 Coordinating military deployments on roads and highways a guide for state and local agencies / 1
TD 2.30/19:05-067 Work zone public information and outreach strategies / 1
TD 2.30/19:05-068 Work zone impacts assessment an approach to assess and manage work zone safety and mobility impacts on road projects / 1
TD 2.30/19:05-085 The electronic freight management initiative 1
TD 2.30/19:06-003 Show me the money a decision-maker's funding compendium for transportation systems / 1
TD 2.30/19:06-006 Traffic control systems handbook 1