TD 2.30/26:19-010
Reference guide for load rating of tunnel structures. |
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TD 2.30/26:19-059
Highways in the coastal environment / |
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TD 2.30/26:19-063
Proposed LRFD specifications for noncomposite steel box-section members : final report. |
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TD 2.30/26:19-064
Curved steel bridge research report : I-girder bending component tests : philosophy and design of i-girder bending component tests. |
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TD 2.30/26:19-067
Replaceable grouted external post-tensioned tendons. |
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TD 2.30/26:19-068
Handbook for including ancillary assets in transportation asset management programs. |
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TD 2.30/26:19-072
Life cycle planning : an overview / |
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TD 2.30/26:19-073
Linking performance and asset management / |
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TD 2.30/26:19-074
Integrating asset management and planning / |
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TD 2.30/26:19-088
Bridge welding reference manual. |
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TD 2.30/26:19-093
Bridge system reliability and reliability-based redundancy factors. |
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TD 2.30/26:19-102
Fatigue resistant rib-to-floor beam connections for orthotropic steel decks with potential automated fabrication. |
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TD 2.30/26:20-058
Tunnel load rating examples : a supplement to the reference guide for loading rating tunnel structures. |
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TD 2.30/26:20-066
Communicating asset management strategies. |
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TD 2.30/26:20-067
Life cycle planning practices. |
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TD 2.30/26:20-085
Financial planning and investment strategies. |
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TD 2.30/26:20-086
Managing risks to assets. |
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TD 2.30/26:20-088
Asset management practices and benefits. |
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TD 2.30/26:20-089
Linking asset management to planning and programming. |
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TD 2.30/26:20-092
Managing assets beyond pavements and bridges. |
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