Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD 2.30:02-086 Highway concrete pavement technology development and testing / 1
TD 2.30:02-089 Safety effectiveness of intersection left- and right-turn lanes / 1
TD 2.30:02-091 Delivering infrastructure for America's future 1
TD 2.30:02-092 Office of Safety R & D serving the transportation community with innovative safety solutions. 1
TD 2.30:02-093 Simulation, imaging, and mechanics of asphalt pavements (SIMAP) laboratory fact sheet research that is essential, indispensable, and connected to our customers. 1
TD 2.30:02-095 Optimal procedures for quality assurance specifications
Optimal procedures for quality assurance specifications /
TD 2.30:02-097 Interactive Highway Safety Design Model safer roads through better design. 1
TD 2.30:02-099 Guide for curing of portland cement concrete pavements / 1
TD 2.30:02-101 Performance report performance plan / 1
TD 2.30:02-102 Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center essential, indispensable, and connected to our customers. 1
TD 2.30:02-103 Safety effectiveness of intersection left- and right-turn lanes 1
TD 2.30:02-105 Office of Safety R&D 1
TD 2.30:02-107 Electrochemical chloride extraction influence of concrete surface on treatment / 1
TD 2.30:02-120 An analysis tool for making informed safety decisions 1
TD 2.30:03-032 Laboratory evaluation of waterborne coatings on steel / 1
TD 2.30:03-037 Validation of accident models for intersections / 1
TD 2.30:03-042 A review of pedestrian safety research in the United States and abroad / 1
TD 2.30:03-045 LTPP ... year in review. 1
TD 2.30:03-047 Guidelines for the use of lithium to mitigate or prevent alkali-silica reaction (ASR) 1
TD 2.30:03-048 Effects of geosynthetic reinforcement spacing on the performance of mechanically stabilized earth walls
Effects of geosynthetic reinforcement spacing on the performance of mechanically stabilized earth walls /