Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD 2.30:99-170 Extrapolation of pile capacity from non-failed load tests 1
TD 2.30:99-176 Sealing and filling cracks in asphalt pavements 1
TD 2.30:99-177 Portland cement concrete (PCC) partial-depth spall repair 1
TD 2.30:99-190 User's manual for BRI-STARS (BRidge Stream Tube model for Alluvial River Simulation) 1
TD 2.30:99-191 User's primer for BRI-STARS (BRidge Stream Tube model for Alluvial River Simulation) 1
TD 2.30:99-194 Development and field testing of Multiple Deployment Model Pile (MDMP)
Development and field testing of Multiple Deployment Model Pile (MDMP) /
TD 2.30:99-200 Fast-track paving concrete temperature control and traffic opening criteria for bonded concrete overlays. 1
TD 2.30:99-202 Pothole repair 1
TD 2.30:99-206 Safety effects of the conversion of rural two-lane roadways to four-lane roadways summary report. 1
TD 2.30:99-207 Prediction of the expected safety performance of rural two-lane highways /
Prediction of the expected safety performance of rural two-lane highways
TD 2.30:99-212 Fundamental properties of asphalts and modified asphalts 1
TD 2.30:99-212-213 Fundamental properties of asphalts and modified asphalts 1
TD 2.30:99-213 Fundamental properties of asphalts and modified asphalts 1
TD 2.30:D 48/V.1-2 Traffic detector handbook 1
TD 2.30:EA 7/ EAR Program research results. 1
TD 2.30:FHWA-HRT-06-118 Freeze-thaw resistance of concrete with marginal air content 1
TD 2.30:FHWA-HRT-17-069 Safety evaluation of edge-line rumble stripes on rural two-lane horizontal curves / 1
TD 2.30:N 47/ LTBP news. 1