Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD 2.8:In 7/4/student  
TD 2.8:IN 7/5 CTPP handbook : an instructional guide to the 1990 census transportation planning package. 1
TD 2.8:In 8/3/987 The 1987 estimate of the cost of completing the Interstate System : instruction manual. 1
TD 2.8:In 8/976 National highway inventory and performance study manual, 1976 / 1
TD 2.8:L 22 Standard land use coding manual : a standard system for identifying and coding land use activities. 1
TD 2.8:L 23 The audible landscape : a manual for highway noise and land use / 1
TD 2.8:M 28/u.6/lev.2 Maintenance activities, work units and classifying work. 1
TD 2.8:M 28/u. 8/lev. 2/ Standards for maintenance work, unit 8, level 2 / prepared by Roy Jorgensen Associates, Inc. 1
TD 2.8:M 28/U.8/LEV.PT.1-2  
TD 2.8:M 31 MAGTOP user's manual sample input/output : Management of Traffic Operations computer system / 1
TD 2.8:M 31/2 MAGTOP users manual program documentation, Management of Traffic Operations computer system / 1
TD 2.8:M 31/4 Best management practices for erosion and sediment control / 1
TD 2.8:M 31/5  
TD 2.8:M 72 Manual on use of self-propelled modular transporters to remove and replace bridges
Modal split : documentation of nine methods for estimating transit usage /
TD 2.8:M 72/2 Manual on use of self-propelled modular transporters to remove and replace bridges 1
TD 2.8:N 81  
TD 2.8:P 21 Park-and-ride facilities : guidelines for planning design and operation / 1
TD 2.8:P 22 A guide to parking systems analysis / 1
TD 2.8:P 28 Techniques for pavement rehabilitation : training course : instructor's guide / 1
TD 2.8:P 28/2 Construction handbook on PCC pavement rehabilitation / 1