TD 4.32/11:79-10
Domestic & international air cargo activity / |
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TD 4.32/11:80-1
Commuter air carrier loan guarantee study / |
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TD 4.32/11:80-4
IFR aircraft handled : forecast by Air Route Traffic Control Center, fiscal years 1980-1991. |
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TD 4.32/11:80-7
Hourly airport activity profiles : 30 airports by user, 3 airports by user and equipment type : selected days in June, July, and August 1978 / |
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TD 4.32/12:2624
Specification for the construction of an airport surveillance radar facility : prefabricated metal building. |
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TD 4.32/12:2626/amdt.1
Construction of a medium-intensity approach light system with runway alignment indicator lights : Mar. 25, 1975. |
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TD 4.32/12:2670
TD 4.32/13:240-26 A
TD 4.32/13:500-007/1-7
Consolidated Cab Display/Remote Maintenance Monitor System. |
1 |
TD 4.32/14:75-
TD 4.32/14:75-6
TD 4.32/14:76-1
TD 4.32/14:76-2
Establishment criteria for visual approach slope indicator [VASI] / |
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TD 4.32/14:77-6
TD 4.32/14:78-3/v.1-2
Economic requirements analysis of civil air navigation alternatives / |
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TD 4.32/14:78-5
Installation criteria for the approach lighting system improvement program (ALSIP) / |
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TD 4.32/14:78-7
Establishment criteria for distance measurement equipment (DME) with instrument landing system and/or localizer approach aids / |
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TD 4.32/14:78-9
TD 4.32/14:79-4
Establishment criteria for runway end identification lights (REIL) / |
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TD 4.32/14:80-2
Evaluation of safety programs with respect to the causes of general aviation accidents / |
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