Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD 5.18:18 Oceanographic observations : North Pacific Ocean Station November, 30° 00' N., 140° 00' W., July 1966-February 1967 / 1
TD 5.18:19 Oceanography of the Grand Banks region of Newfoundland in 1967 / 1
TD 5.18:20 Oceanographic observations, North Atlantic Ocean Station Bravo, 56°30ʹ N., 51°00ʹ W, October 1966-October 1967 / 1
TD 5.18:21 Oceanographic observations, North Atlantic Ocean Station Echo 35°00ʹ N., 48°00ʹ W., September 1966-October 1967 / 1
TD 5.18:22 Photographic investigation of sediment texture, bottom current activity, and benthonic organisms in the Wilmington Submarine Canyon : U.S.C.G.C. Rockaway-Smithsonian Institution cruise (RoS2), December 1967 / 1
TD 5.18:23 Oceanographic observations: North Atlantic Ocean Station Delta, 44° N., 41° W., July 1966-August 1967 / 1
TD 5.18:24 Report of oceanographic cruise, USCGC Northwind, northern Bering Sea-Bering Strait-Chuckchi Sea, July 1967 / 1
TD 5.18:25 Oceanographic observations in the Kara and Eastern Barents seas / 1
TD 5.18:26 Oceanographic observations: North Pacific Ocean Station November : 30°00ʹ N., 140°00ʹ W., March 1967-March 1968 / 1
TD 5.18:27 Oceanographic observations, North Pacific Ocean Station Victor, October 1966 - October 1967 : Seasonal variation of oceanographic conditions from Ocean Station Victor to the coast of Japan along 34̊ N latitude, January 1966 - October 1967 / 1
TD 5.18:28 Oceanographic observations between Iceland and Scotland, July-November 1965 / 1
TD 5.18:29 Oceanographic observations, 1966, east coast of the United States / 1
TD 5.18:30 Oceanography of the Weddell Sea, January-March 1968 / 1
TD 5.18:31 Oceanography of the Weddell Sea in 1969 (IWSOE) / 1
TD 5.18:32 Oceanographic observations: North Atlantic standard monitoring sections, 1964-1966 / 1
TD 5.18:33 Distribution of nutrients in the Weddell Sea, February-March 1968--February-March 1969 / 1
TD 5.18:34 Oceanic conditions off northeastern Brazil, February-March and October-November 1966 / 1
TD 5.18:35 Oceanography of the Mid-Atlantic Bight in support of ICNAF, September-December 1967 / 1
TD 5.18:36 The significance of color banding in the upper layers of Kara Sea sediments / 1
TD 5.18:37 Oceanographic observations in Baffin Bay during July-September 1968 / 1