Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD 8.63:402 An evaluation of the three Georgia DUI courts 1
TD 8.63:404 Driver education practices in selected states 1
TD 8.63:AU 8 Automated enforcement a compendium of worldwide evaluations of results. 1
TD 8.63:C 73 Guidelines for the community supervision of impaired driving offenders 1
TD 8.63:EF 3 The effectiveness of seven publicized enforcement demonstration programs to reduce impaired driving Georgia, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Indiana, Michigan, and Texas. 1
TD 8.63:EM 3 Configurations of EMS systems a pilot study. 1
TD 8.63:G 75 Graduated driver licensing in Georgia the impact of the Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act (TADRA) 1
TD 8.63:H 36 Evaluation of the reinstatement of the motorcycle helmet law in Louisiana 1
TD 8.63:H 78 The robustness of the horizontal gaze nystagmus test in standardized field sobriety tests 1
TD 8.63:IM 7 West Virginia's impaired driving high visibility enforcement campaign 1
TD 8.63:M 46 Multiple medications and vehicle crashes analysis of databases. 1
TD 8.63:M 71 Evaluation of the May 2005 click it or ticket mobilization to increase seat belt use 1
TD 8.63:M 85 Effects of alcohol on motorcycle riding skills 1
TD 8.63:N 56 A study of nighttime seat belt use in Indiana 1
TD 8.63:N 56/2 Nightime seat belt use is lower than daytime in New Mexico 1
TD 8.63:N 85 Evaluation of PC-based novice driver risk awareness 1
TD 8.63:OC 1 Occupant protection issues among older drivers and passengers 1
TD 8.63:OR 3 Evaluation of Oregon's graduated driver licensing program 1
TD 8.63:P 21 Parent-taught driver education in Texas 1
TD 8.63:P 26 Passenger restrictions in graduated driver licensing programs 1