Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD 8.67:810 794 Statistical analysis of the effectiveness of electronic stability control (ESC) systems final report / 1
TD 8.67:810 820 Comparison of motorcycle rider fatalities in traffic crashes, 2005-2006 a brief statistical summary / 1
TD 8.67:810 834 Fatal two-vehicle motorcycle crashes 1
TD 8.67:810 847 The role of vertical roof intrusion and post-crash headroom in predicting roof contact injuries to the head, neck, or face during FMVSS no.216 rollovers an updated analysis / 1
TD 8.67:810 856 Bodily injury locations in fatally injured motorcycle riders a brief statistical summary / 1
TD 8.67:810 857 Characteristics of crash injuries among young, middle-aged, and older drivers technical report / 1
TD 8.67:810 863 A safety roadmap for future plastics and composites intensive vehicles 1
TD 8.67:810 869 Lives saved in 2006 by restraint use and minimum drinking age laws a brief statistical summary / 1
TD 8.67:810 870 Fatalities related to alcohol-impaired driving during the Christmas and New Year's Day holiday periods a brief statistical summary / 1
TD 8.67:810 875 Evaluating transdermal alcohol measuring devices final report / 1
TD 8.67:810 892 Fatally injured motorcycle operators by license status a brief statistical summary / 1
TD 8.67:810 900 Tire safety everything rides on it. 1
TD 8.67:810 930 Sampling design used in the National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey 1
TD 8.67:810 942 Statistical analysis of alcohol-related driving trends, 1982-2005 1
TD 8.67:810 944 Trends in non-fatal traffic injuries, 1996-2005 1
TD 8.67:810 949 Seat belt use in 2007 use rates in the States and territories / 1
TD 8.67:810 955 Using data collection to strengthen research projects 1
TD 8.67:810 968 National pedestrian crash report 1
TD 8.67:811 081 Countermeasures that work a highway safety countermeasure guide for state highway safety offices. 1
TD 8.67:811 182 The long-term effects of ABS in passenger cars and LTVs 1