TD 8.67:809-866
What's your PSI? a short quiz to test your knowledge of tire safety / |
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TD 8.67:809 868
Trends in the static stability factor of passenger cars, light trucks, and vans |
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TD 8.67:809 870
New England low fatality rates versus low safety belt use |
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TD 8.67:809 876
Breath test refusals in DWI enforcement an interim report / |
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TD 8.67:809 890
Speeding-related crash fatalities by month, day, and selected holiday periods |
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TD 8.67:809 894
Rollover crash mechanisms and injury outcomes for restrained occupants |
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TD 8.67:809 896
Contrasting rural and urban fatal crashes, 1994-2003 technical report / |
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TD 8.67:809 897
2004 traffic safety annual assessment, early results a brief statistical summary / |
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TD 8.67:809 904
Alcohol-related fatalities in 2004 a brief statistical summary / |
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TD 8.67:809 939
Impaired motorcycle operators involved in fatal crashes a brief statistical summary / |
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TD 8.67:809 952
Vehicle survivability and travel mileage schedules |
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TD 8.67:809 956
Race and ethnicity in fatal motor vehicle traffic crashes 1999-2004 |
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TD 8.67:810 558
Literature review of polypharmacy and older drivers identifying strategies to study drug usage and driving functioning among older drivers / |
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TD 8.67:810 563
State traffic safety information systems strategic planning a guide for states. |
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TD 8.67:810 580
Analysis of red light violation data collected from intersections equipped with red light photo enforcement cameras |
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TD 8.67:810 597
Most fatalities in young (15- to 20-year old) driver crashes are young drivers and their young passengers a brief statistical summary / |
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TD 8.67:810 606
Recent trends in fatal motorcycle crashes an update / |
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TD 8.67:810 644
Alcohol-related fatalities and alcohol involvement among drivers and motorcycle operators in 2005 |
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TD 8.67:810 646
Large-truck crash causation study an initial overview / |
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TD 8.67:810 679
Child restraint use survey LATCH use and misuse. |
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