Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
TD171.9 .L44 2022 | Desert Edens : Colonial Climate Engineering in the Age of Anxiety. | 1 |
TD171.9 .M65 1998 | Geoenvironmental engineering / | 1 |
TD171.9 .M65 1998eb | Geoenvironmental engineering | 2 |
TD171.9 .M67 2023 | The emergence of geoengineering : how knowledge networks form governance objects / | 1 |
TD171.9 .S27 2013eb | Environmental geotechnics / | 1 |
TD171.9 .S37 2010 | Environmental geomechanics / | 1 |
TD171.9 .W34 2021 | Geoengineering : the gamble / | 1 |
TD171.9 .Y66 2014 | Sustainable practices in geoenvironmental engineering / | 2 |
TD172 |
Information series Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology. Advances in chemical pollution, environmental management and protection. |
6 |
TD172-193.5 |
Contaminated Soil'93 : Fourth International KfK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil 3-7 May 1993, Berlin, Germany / Bioavailability of Organic Xenobiotics in the Environment : Practical Consequences for the Environment / Innovative Approaches to the On-Site Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites / Xenobiotics in Urban Ecosystems Sources, Distribution and Health Impacts. Green Industrial Restructuring : International Case Studies and Theoretical Interpretations / Paradigms in pollution prevention / Governance of Water-related Conflicts in Agriculture : New Directions in Agri-environmental and Water Policies in the EU / Diffusion in Natural Porous Media : Contaminant Transport, Sorption/Desorption and Dissolution Kinetics / International Environmental Management Benchmarks : Best Practice Experiences from America, Japan and Europe / Life Cycle Assessment in Industry and Business : Adoption Patterns, Applications and Implications / Chemical Waste : Handling and Treatment / Decommissioning Offshore Structures / Contaminated Soil : First International TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil 11-15 November, 1985, Utrecht, the Netherlands / Contaminated Soil '95 : Proceedings of the Fifth International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil, 30 October-3 November 1995, Maastricht, the Netherlands / Water Pollution: Modelling, Measuring and Prediction / Field Screening Europe : Proceedings of the First International Conference on Strategies and Techniques for the Investigation and Monitoring of Contaminated Sites / The Social Impact of the Chernobyl Disaster / Groundwater contamination use of models in decision-making ; proceedings of the international conference on groundwater contamination : use of models in decision-making, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 26-29 October 1987 / Soil and Groundwater Pollution Fundamentals, Risk Assessment and Legislation / Cleaner Technologies and Cleaner Products for Sustainable Development |
20 |
TD172-193.5TA459-492 | Arsenic pollution control in nonferrous metallurgy / | 1 |
TD172 .A43 | Ambio. | 1 |
TD172 .A432 no. 8 | The Gulf of Bothnia year 1991. | 1 |
TD172 .A432 no. 9 | The biological, socioeconomic, and managerial aspects of chanterelle mushroom harvesting : the Olympic Peninsula, Washington State, U.S.A. / | 1 |
TD172 .A432 no. 10 | Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) | 1 |
TD172 .B72 | Brookhaven National Laboratory site environmental report ... | 1 |
TD172 .C35 | Catalyst for environmental quality. | 1 |
TD172 .C5 |
CRC critical reviews in environmental control. Critical reviews in environmental control. Critical reviews in environmental science and technology. |
3 |
TD172 .C72 |
Grow with the flow : growth and water in the South Platte Basin : proceedings of the 8th annual South Platte Forum, October 29-30, 1997, Raintree Plaza Conference Center, Longmont, Colorado / The Larimer-Weld Council of Governments 208 water quality plan : an assessment and suggestions for future directions / Revegetation of high-altitude disturbed lands : proceedings of a workshop at. Proceedings of the Symposium on Water Policies on U.S. Irrigated Agriculture, Are Increased Acreages Needed to Meet Domestic or World Needs? : Presented at the 104th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, February 28, 1974 / Proceedings, High Altitude Revegetation Workshop. Section 404 of the Clean water act : an evaluation of the issues and permit program implementation in Western Colorado / Endangered species management : planning our future : proceedings of the 6th annual South Platte River Basin Forum, October 25-26, 1995, Ramkota Inn, Greeley, Colorado / The South Platte, old river--new course? : changes in land and water use in the South Platte Basin : proceedings of the 10th annual South Platte Forum, October 27-28, 1999, Raintree Plaza Conference Center, Longmont, Colorado / Proceedings : Fifth Workshop on Home Sewage Disposal in Colorado: operation and maintenance of on-site wastewater treatment systems / Integrated watershed management in the South Platte Basin : status and practical implementation : October 26-27, 1994, Ramkota Inn, Greeley, Colorado / Water for the South Platte Basin / Proceedings / Design of water quality information systems : proceedings of an international symposium held at Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S.A., June 7-9, 1989 / Annotated bibliography on trickle irrigation Groundwater quality protection policies for the Rocky Mountain Region and the nation : transcript of a conference / |
15 |
TD172 .C72 no. 3 | An inventory of environmental resources research in progress. | 1 |