Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD195.A36 L87 2019 Integrating sustainability planning and the environmental review process / 1
TD195.A36 P73 2016 Airport sustainability practices : drivers and outcomes for small commercial and general aviation airports / 1
TD195.A36 R57 2011 The carbon market : a primer for airports / 1
TD195.A36 R57 2011eb The carbon market a primer for airports / 1
TD195.A36 S76 2018 Strategies for airports to reduce local stormwater utility fees / 1
TD195.A36 W55 2020 Guidance for using the interactive tool for understanding NEPA at general aviation airports / 1
TD195 .A72 1987 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, coastal plain resource assessment report and recommendation to the Congress of the United States and final legislative environmental impact statement / 1
TD195.A75 Innovative technologies and renewed policies for achieving a greener defence /
The thin green line an assessment of DoD's Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative to buffer installation encroachment /
TD195.A75 A43 2013eb How perchlorate rocket fuel poisons women and infants : cleanup strategies to protect the world's food and water supplies / 1
TD195.A75 B88 1993 Environmental security : what is DOD's role? / 1
TD195.A75 C73 2022 The Pentagon, climate change, and war : charting the rise and fall of U.S. military emissions / 1
TD195.A75 D87 2007 The greening of the U.S. military : environmental policy, national security, and organizational change / 1
TD195.A75 D87 2007eb The greening of the U.S. military : environmental policy, national security, and organizational change / 2
TD195.A75 E579 2003 Environmental cleanup at Navy facilities : adaptive site management / 1
TD195.A75 E58 1999 Environmental cleanup at Navy facilities : risk-based methods / 1
TD195.A75.E595 1999eb Environmental Cleanup at Navy Facilities : Risk-Based Methods. 1
TD195.A75 E6 1990 Environmental hazards of war : releasing dangerous forces in an industrialized world / 2
TD195.A75 E685 2003eb Environmental cleanup at Navy facilities : adaptive site management / 1
TD195.A75 H35 2004 The greening of Pentagon brownfields : using environmental discourse to redevelop former military bases / 1
TD195.A75 H38 2000 Ecology of war & peace : counting costs of conflict / 1