Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
TD195.A75 L34 2007 | The thin green line : an assessment of DoD's readiness and environmental protection initiative to buffer installation encroachment / | 1 |
TD195.A75 L36 1993 | The ecology of war : environmental impacts of weaponry and warfare / | 2 |
TD195.A75 M37 1994 | Marching to different drummers : evolution of the Army's environmental program / | 1 |
TD195.A75 M375 2015 | Militarizing the environment : climate change and the security state / | 1 |
TD195.A75 M375 2015eb | Militarizing the environment : climate change and the security state / | 1 |
TD195.A75 N35 2001eb | Defense industries science and technology related to security: impact of conventional munitions on environment and population / | 1 |
TD195.A75 N38 2004 | Defense industries : science and technology related to security: impact of conventional munitions on environment and population / | 1 |
TD195.A75 N385 2003 | Defense and the environment : effective scientific communication / | 1 |
TD195.A75 N387 2005 | Environmental security and public safety : problems and needs in conversion policy and research after 15 years of conversion in Central and Eastern Europe / | 1 |
TD195.A75 N387 2005eb | Environmental security and public safety problems and needs in conversion policy and research after 15 years of conversion in Central and Eastern Europe / | 1 |
TD195.A75 R834 1992 | Two shades of green : environmental protection and combat training / | 1 |
TD195.B56 |
Bioenergy and Land Use Change : Impact on Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services. The nexus of biofuels, climate change, and human health : workshop summary / Perspectives on water usage for biofuels production : aquatic contamination and climate change / BIOENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT Biomass for sustainable applications : pollution remediation and energy / Steam generation from biomass construction and design of large boilers / Environmental sustainability of biofuels : prospects and challenges / Catalysis for clean energy and environmental sustainability. Biomass Burning and its Inter-Relationships with the Climate System / |
10 |
TD195.B56 B54 1990 | Bioenergy and the environment / | 3 |
TD195.B56 B55 1999 | Biomass burning and its inter-relationships with the climate system / | 1 |
TD195.B56 B55 2000 | Biomass burning and its inter-relationships with the climate system / | 1 |
TD195.B56 B56 2013 | Biomass combustion, technology and engineering / | 1 |
TD195.B56 B567 | Biomass digest / | 1 |
TD195.B56 B58 1996 | Biomass burning and global change / | 1 |
TD195.B56 G57 1991 | Global biomass burning : atmospheric, climatic, and biospheric implications / | 1 |
TD195.B56 G57 1991eb | Global biomass burning atmospheric, climatic, and biospheric implications / | 1 |