Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
TD224.C3 A47 no. 59 | Water quality research needs in California : problems, research needs, implementation. | 1 |
TD224.C3A47 no. 60 | Trace elements in seafood organisms around southern California municipal wastewater outfalls : a report from the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project / | 1 |
TD224.C3 B54 1997 | Proceedings of the First Biennial Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy : resolving conflict in the management of water resources : September 28-30, 1997, San Francisco, California, United States of America / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 |
Annual report / Report / Proceedings of the ... Conference on Ground Water. |
4 |
TD224.C3 C3 no. 1 | Water Resources Center / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no.1 | Water Resources Center / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no. 2 | Proceedings : Conference on Water Research in the University of California, Davis, California, May 25-26, 1960 / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no. 3 | Proceedings / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no. 4 | Proceedings / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no. 5 | Proceedings, Water Resources Center : of the Agricultural Water Quality Research Conference, held August 12-14, 1963, at the University of California Conference Center, Lake Arrowhead, California / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no. 6 | Proceedings / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no. 9 | Impact of water on land : proceedings of the San Joaquin Study Group conference, Solvang, California, March 9-11, 1966 / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no. 10 | Proceedings / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no. 11 | Proceedings. : [Held] March 22-23, 1967. | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no. 13 | Proceedings / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no. 15 | Proceedings / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no.15-16 | Proceedings / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no. 16 | Proceedings / | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no.17-22 | Water resources research and California's future. | 1 |
TD224.C3 C3 no. 19 | Research on water quality. | 1 |