Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD227.A4 W3745 2018eb Water rites : reimagining water in the west / 1
TD227.C36 S36 2007 Water, weather and the mountain West / 1
TD227.N3 S37 2000 Screening sediments from Marsh Creek, Saint John, New Brunswick, for aromatic hydrocarbons / 1
TD227.N3 Z48 2000 Ultraviolet spectra of water from the Miramichi watershed, New Brunswick / 1
TD227.O5 H49 Water quality and the hazard to health: placarding public beaches / 1
TD227.Q42 D3413 2017 Montreal, city of water : an environmental history / 1
TD227.S3 C35 2008 Presenting uncertainty about climate change to water-resource managers : a summary of workshops with the Inland Empire Utilities Agency / 1
TD227.5 Water and territory in Latin America : trends, challenges and opportunities /
Water, state and the city /
TD227.5.A1 E4 Sociocultural aspects of water supply and excreta disposal / 1
TD227.5 .A5418 1996 Ciudades sedientas : agua y ambientes urbanos en América Latina / 1
TD227.5.E57 2004eb Ensayos toxicológicos y métodos de evaluación de calidad de aguase : Standarización, intercalibración, resultados y aplicaciones. 1
TD227.5.G23 R49 2017 Water Supply and Demand Management in the Galápagos : a Case Study of Santa Cruz Island / 1
TD227.5 .M36 1998 Management of Latin American river basins : Amazon, Plata, and São Francisco / 1
TD227.5 .P637 2016eb La pobreza del agua : geopolítica, gobernanza y abastecimiento / 1
TD227.5 .P65 2019eb Pollution of water bodies in Latin America : impact of contaminants on species of ecological interest / 1
TD227.5 .W35 2015 Water and cities in Latin America : challenges for sustainable development / 1
TD227.5 ebook Agua y ecología política : el extractivismo en la agroexportación, la minería y las hidroeléctricas en Latinoamérica / 1
TD228.A1 A48 1995 El agua y la Ciudad de México : abastecimiento y drenaje, calidad, salud pública, uso eficiente, marco jurídico e institucional / 1
TD228.A1 W37 2015 Water detectives / 1
TD228.J35 G89 1992 Diagnóstico de la contaminación del agua en Jalisco / 1