Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD345 .H57 1951 TP875.N36 no.211 1951 Water supply and treatment. 1
TD345 .H57 1970 Hoover's water supply and treatment. 1
TD345 .H59 2019 Water resources : science and society / 1
TD345 .H64 2008 Globalization of water : sharing the planet's freshwater resources / 1
TD345 .H645 2013 The water footprint of modern consumer society / 1
TD345 -- H835 2011eb Water management and water governance in a changing climate : experiences and insights on .. 1
TD345 .H86 2004 Thirsty planet : strategies for sustainable water management / 1
TD345 .H94 2012 Hydrology, hydraulics and water resources management : a heuristic optimization approach / 1
TD345 .I475 2009  
TD345 .I475 2009eb Improving transparency, integrity, and accountability in the water and sanitation sector / 1
TD345 .I477 2003 Improving water management : recent OECD experience. 1
TD345 .I5 Manual of British water supply practice / 1
TD345 .I5 1969 Manual of British water engineering practice / 1
TD345 .I53 2008 Integrated water management : practical experiences and case studies / 1
TD345 .I53 2008eb Integrated water management practical experiences and case studies / 1
TD345 .I538 2009 Integrated water resources management in practice : better water management for development / 1
TD345 .I538 2009eb Integrated water resources management in practice : better water management for development / 1
TD345 .I539 2020 Interdisciplinary collaboration for water diplomacy : a principled and pragmatic approach / 1
TD345 -- .I58 2013eb Integrated Water Resources Management in a Changing World Lessons Learnt and Innovative Perspectives 1
TD345 .I58 2013eb Integrated water resources management in a changing world : lessons learnt and innovative perspectives / 1