Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD428.M56 H69 Gold/silver heap leaching and management practices that minimize the potential for cyanide releases / 1
TD428.M56 K45 1988 Mining and the freshwater environment / 1
TD428.M56 L44 1989 The dispersal of metal mining wastes in the catchment of the river Geul (Belgium, the Netherlands) / 1
TD428.M56 M563 2010 Mine drainage and related problems / 1
TD428.M56 W65 2008eb Water management at abandoned flooded underground mines fundamentals, tracer tests, modelling, water treatment / 1
TD428.P35 B37 1995 Troubled waters : Champion International and the Pigeon River Controversy / 2
TD428.P54 The greening of pharmaceutical engineering. 2
TD428.P54.C36 2002eb Pharmaceuticals in the Environment : Regulatory and Nonregulatory Approaches / 1
TD428.P54 D54 2013 The drug company next door : pollution, jobs, and community health in Puerto Rico / 1
TD428.P63 Elements of aerodynamics : a concise introduction to physical concepts / 1
TD428.P67 I56 1995 Clean water : factors that influence its availability, quality and its use : International Clean Water Conference held in La Jolla, California, 28-30 November 1995 /
Clean water : factors that influence its availability, quality, and its use /
TD428.P67 O64 2012 Operational and environmental consequences of large industrial cooling water systems 1
TD428.P67 W37 1985 Water quality issues at fossil fuel plants : proceedings of a symposium / 1
TD428.R4 E58 2005eb Environmental impact assessment of recycled wastes on surface and ground waters 1
TD428.R84 A23 2013 Pollutant load reductions for total maximum daily loads for highways / 1
TD428.S47 Prevention and control of sewer system overflows : MOP FD-17 / 1
TD428.S47 C66 1989 Combined sewer overflow pollution abatement / 1
TD428.S47 E8 2015 EU-funding of urban waste water treatment plants in the Danube River Basin : further efforts needed in helping member states to achieve EU waste water policy objectives : (pursuant to Article 287(4), second subparagraph, TFEU) 1
TD428.S55 Sustainability in the maritime domain towards ocean governance and beyond /
Cruise ship pollution /
Green shipping management /
TD428.S55 E43 1999 EMARC : MARPOL rules and ship generated waste. 1