Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
TD789.I42 I467 2007eb |
Improving municipal solid waste management in India : a sourcebook for policymakers and practitioners / Improving municipal solid waste management in India a sourcebook for policymakers and practitioners / |
2 |
TD789.I69 H535 2019 | The burn pits The poisoning of america's soldiers. | 1 |
TD789.J3 | Municipal solid waste landfill technology in Japan / | 1 |
TD789.J32 | Waste and distributive justice in Asia : in-ward waste disposal in Tokyo / | 1 |
TD789.M62 ebook | Complejidad ambiental en la ciudad de Querétaro : una mirada desde los residuos sólidos urbanos / | 1 |
TD789.M628 | Waste management in MENA regions / | 1 |
TD789.N6 O45 1991 | The management of solid waste in Nigerian cities / | 1 |
TD789.P4 | Hydrocarbon contaminated soils and groundwater. | 1 |
TD789 .P564 1993 | Plastics waste management : disposal, recycling, and reuse / | 1 |
TD789.S7 eBook | Residuos urbanos y sustentabilidad ambiental : estado de la cuestión y debate en la comunidad valenciana / | 1 |
TD789.S7 G393 2011eb | La gestión de los residuos urbanos en Hispania : Xavier Dupré Raventós (1956-2006) in Memoriam / | 1 |
TD789.S8 M63 2013eb | Modern solid waste management in practice : the city of Malmö experience / | 1 |
TD789.T5 | Challenges for sustainable solid waste management : Lessons from Thailand / | 1 |
TD790 | Waste problems and management in developing countries / | 1 |
TD790 .A67 1985 | Appropriate waste management for developing countries / | 1 |
TD790 .M3614 2001eb | La gestion des déchets urbains : des solutions pour l'Afrique / | 1 |
TD790 .W35 2023 | Waste problems and management in developing countries / | 1 |
TD790 .W37 2023 | Waste technology for emerging economies / | 1 |
TD791 |
What a waste 2.0 : a global snapshot of solid waste management to 2050 / Solid waste engineering and management. Advances in solid and hazardous waste management Advancement in solid waste management and treatment / Wastes Selected Papers from the 5th International Conference Wastes 2019, September 4-6, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal. Waste management in the circular economy / Sustainable food waste-to-energy systems / Advanced technologies for solid, liquid, and gas waste treatment / Household Waste Management : Some Insights from Behavioural Economics / Waste minimization : a chemist's approach / Solid waste policies and strategies : issues, challenges and case studies / Impact of COVID-19 waste on environmental pollution and its sustainable management : COVID-19 waste and its management / Integrated waste management : a sustainable approach from waste to wealth / Waste management and treatment : advances and innovations / Solid waste management : principles and practice / Advances in solid and hazardous waste management / Solid waste management in Delta Region for SGDs fulfillment Delta sustainability by waste management / Pollution control and resource recovery municipal solid wastes incineration : bottom ash and fly ash / Solid waste management : advances and trends to tackle the SDGs / 360 degree waste management. Advances in waste processing technology Solid Waste Treatment Technologies : Challenges and Perspectives / COVID-19 sustainable waste management and air emission / Waste management, processing and valorisation |
27 |
TD791 .A528 1993 | In defense of garbage / | 1 |