Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD879.P4 H828 1991 Hydrocarbon contaminated soils / 1
TD879.P4 H83 1991 Hydrocarbon contaminated soils and groundwater : analysis, fate, environmental and public health effects, remediation / 1
TD879.P4 L964 1992 Mobility and degradation of organic contaminants in subsurface environments / 1
TD879.P4 M353 2005 Soil and groundwater contamination : nonaqueous phase liquids : principles and observations /
Soil and groundwater contamination nonaqueous phase liquids : principles and observations /
TD879.P4 P75 1993 Principles and practices for petroleum contaminated soils / 1
TD879.P4 P755 2001 Principles and practices of bioslurping / 1
TD879.P4 R47 1996eb Restoration and rehabilitation of the desert environment : technical papers presented at the joint Kuwait-Japanese symposium, March 3-4, 1996 / 1
TD879.P4 R57 1992 Bioremediation of petroleum contaminated sites / 1
TD879.P4 R575 1998 Remediation of petroleum contaminated soils : biological, physical, and chemical processes / 1
TD879.P4 S57 1998 Soil and aquifer pollution : non-aqueous phase liquids-- contamination and reclamation / 1
TD879.P4 S65 1988 Soils contaminated by petroleum : environmental and public health effects / 1
TD879.P4 T96 1987f Type B technical information document approaches to the assessment of injury to soil arising from discharges of hazardous substances and oil / 1
TD879.P4 U54 1982 Used oil collection and disposal practices followed by federal agencies / 1
TD879.P4 W65 1997 Design of remediation systems / 1
TD879.P5 Micro and nanoplastics in soil : threats to plant-based food / 1
TD879.P66 Petrogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the aquatic environment : analysis, synthesis, toxicity and environmental impact. 1
TD879.R34 Radioactive contamination research developments / 1
TD879.R34 G46 2002 Geochemistry of soil radionuclides 1
TD879.R34 I47 2011 Impact of soil conservation measures on erosion control and soil quality. 1
TD879.R34 N38 1999eb Recommended screening limits for contaminated surface soil and review of factors relevant to site-specific studies recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1