Call Number (LC) Title Results
TD878.6 E955 2022 Petroleum Bioventing. 1
TD878.6 .L44 1997 Soil bioventing : principles and practice / 1
TD879.A42 N37 1990 v.2 no.14 Methods for projecting future changes in surface water acid-base chemistry / 1
TD879.C33 Cadmium in Soils and Plants / 1
TD879.C33 C33 1999 Cadmium in soils and plants / 1
TD879.C33 C33 2019 Cadmium tolerance in plants : agronomic, molecular, signaling, and omic approaches / 1
TD879.C45 Remediation of chromium-contaminated soil : theory and practice​ / 1
TD879.H38 .A28 2014eb Acute exposure guideline levels for selected airborne chemicals. 1
TD879.H38H387 1996eb Hazardous Materials in the Hydrologic Environment : the Role of Research by the U.S. Geological Survey / 1
TD879.H38 H39 1994 Hazardous waste site soil remediation : theory and application of innovative technologies / 1
TD879.H38 I4 1991 In situ treatment of hazardous waste-contaminated soils / 1
TD879.H38 L49 2010 Assessing soil and groundwater impacts of chemical mixture releases from hazardous materials transportation incidents / 1
TD879.H38 P65 2009 Homo toxicus / 2
TD879.H38 R44 2000 Remediation engineering of contaminated soils / 1
TD879.H38R44 2000 Remediation Engineering of Contaminated Soils / 2
TD879.H38 R46 1994 Remediation of hazardous waste contaminated soils / 1
TD879.H38 R46 1994eb Remediation of hazardous waste contaminated soils / 1
TD879.H38 W557 2017 Hazardous waste site soil remediation : theory and application of innovative technologies / 1
TD879.H4 B55 2008 Biophysico-chemical processes of heavy metals and metalloids in soil environments / 1
TD879.H4 B55 2008eb Biophysico-chemical processes of heavy metals and metalloids in soil environments 1