TD898.118 .U5 1980i
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act P.L. 96-573, 94 Stat. 3347, December 22, 1980. |
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TD898.118 .U5 1986i
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments of 1985 P.L. 99-240, 99 Stat. 1842, January 15, 1986. |
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TD898.118 .U5 1987i
To amend the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 with respect to the Office of the Nuclear Waste Negotiator and the Monitored Retrievable Storage Commission P.L. 100-507, 102 Stat 2541, October 18, 1988. |
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TD898.118 .U55
Waste management progress report ... / |
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TD898.118 .U55 1993
Dismantling the bomb and managing the nuclear materials : summary. |
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TD898.118 .U554 1995
Draft waste management programmatic environmental impact statement for managing treatment, storage, and disposal of radioactive and hazardous waste : summary. |
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TD898.118 .U555i 2005
Department of Energy improved guidance, oversight, and planning are needed to better identify cost-saving alternatives for managing low-level radioactive waste : report to the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives. |
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TD898.118 .W35 2009
The road to Yucca Mountain : the development of radioactive waste policy in the United States / |
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TD898.12.A4 U55 1994
Nuclear health and safety : sites used for disposal of radioactive waste in Alaska : fact sheet for Congressional requesters / |
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TD898.12.C2 U54 1997
Ward Valley Land Transfer Act and low-level radioactive waste site : hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, on S. 964, to direct a property conveyance in the state of California, and the Department of the Interior's continuing review of California's Ward Valley low-level radioactive waste site, July 22, 1997. |
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TD898.12.C6 A56
Annual report. |
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TD898.12.C6 C36 2006
Making the impossible possible : leading extraordinary performance--the Rocky Flats story / |
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TD898.12.C6 E58
Environmental monitoring plan, calendar year . |
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TD898.12.C6 M66 2019
Plutonium & people don't mix : Rocky Flats : Colorado's defunct nuclear bomb factory / |
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TD898.12.C6 R43
RFCA groundwater monitoring report for calendar year ... : Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site. |
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TD898.12.C6 R635
Meeting minutes. |
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TD898.12.C6 U54 2001
Nuclear cleanup : progress made at Rocky Flats, but closure by 2006 is unlikely, and costs may increase : report to congressional committees / |
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TD898.12.I2 N38 1999
Alternative high-level waste treatments at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory / |
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TD898.12.I2.N38 1999eb
Alternative high-level waste treatments at the idaho national engineering. |
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TD898.12.I3 E34 1992
Effects of low-level radioactive-waste disposal on water chemistry in the unsaturated zone at a site near Sheffield, Illinois, 1982-84 / |
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