Call Number (LC) Title Results
TE228.3 .T76 1999 Tropic : Traffic optimisation by the integration of information and control. 1
TE228.3 .U45 2022 Behavioral traffic safety messaging on variable message signs / 1
TE228.3 .U55 1994 Nontechnical constraints and barriers to implementation of intelligent vehicle-highway systems : a report to Congress / 1
TE228.3 .U75 2006 Using archived AVL-APC data to improve transit performance and management / 1
TE228.3 .V44 1993 Vehicle systems for roads. 1
TE228.3 V445 2013 Vehicular networks : models and algorithms / 1
TE228.3 .W36 2013 Computational intelligence for traffic and mobility / 1
TE228.3 .W47 1995 Smart highways, smart cars / 2
TE228.3 .W54 2004 Where the weather meets the road : a research agenda for improving road weather services / / 1
TE228.3 .W54 2004eb Where the weather meets the road : a research agenda for improving road weather services. 1
TE228.3 .W54 2021 Automated vehicles and MaaS : removing the barriers / 1
TE228.3 .W55 2008eb Intelligent transport systems standards
Intelligent transport systems standards /
TE228.3 .W57 2010 Wireless technologies in intelligent transportation systems / 1
TE228.3 .Z45 1997 Vehicle location and navigation systems / 1
TE228.3 .Z56 2001 Impact of new information and communication technologies on transportation agencies : a synthesis of highway practice / 1
TE228.37 Intelligent vehicular networks and communications : fundamentals, architectures and solutions /
Channel characterization and modeling for vehicular communications
Future intelligent vehicular technologies : first International Conference, Future 5V 2016, Porto, Portugal, September 15, 2016, Revised selected papers /
Vehicular networking for road safety
Safety message broadcast in vehicular networks /
Opportunistic spectrum utilization in vehicular communication networks /
Heterogeneous vehicular networks /
Vehicular social networks /
Vehicular ad-hoc networks for smart cities : second International Workshop, 2016 /
Verifiable privacy protection for vehicular communication systems /
Efficient and provably secure schemes for vehicular ad-hoc networks
Bio-inspired routing protocols for vehicular ad-hoc networks /
Intelligent resource management in vehicular networks /
On the Road to Resilience : Ensuring Secure IoV Networks /
The next generation vehicular networks, modeling, algorithm and applications /
Mobile edge caching in heterogeneous vehicular networks
Vehicle safety communications : protocols, security, and privacy /
Vehicular ad hoc network security and privacy /
Secure IP mobility management for VANET /
Capacity analysis of vehicular communication networks /
Security assessment in vehicular networks
Vehicular networking for road safety /
Link-layer cooperative communication in vehicular networks
Enabling content distribution in vehicular ad hoc networks /
Time division multiple access for vehicular communications /
Vehicular communications for smart cars protocols, applications and security concerns /
Vehicular communications for smart cars : protocols, applications and security concerns /
Intelligent computing and communication for the internet of vehicles /
Mobility modeling for vehicular communication networks /
Internet of vehicles -- technologies and services : first International Conference, IOV 2014, Beijing, China, September 1-3, 2014. Proceedings /
Deep learning and its applications for vehicle networks /
Vehicular ad-hoc networks for smart cities Third International Workshop 2019 /
TE228.37 .A98 2012eb Automotive internetworking / 2
TE228.37 .B45 2018eb GPS tracking with Java EE Components : challenges of connected cars / 2
TE228.37 .B68 2021 Vanet : challenges and opportunities /
Vanet challenges and opportunities /
TE228.37 .C45 2021