Call Number (LC) Title Results
TE7 .H5 no. 919 Evaluating strength parameters of simple clays : geotechnical consideration of residual soils. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 919 TE208 Evaluating strength parameters of simple clays : geotechnical consideration of residual soils. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 920 Trucking and intermodal freight issues. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 920 HE5623 Trucking and intermodal freight issues. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 921 Cost-effectiveness of air-quality control measures and impact of the environmental review process / 1
TE7 .H5 no. 921 TD195.T7 Cost-effectiveness of air-quality control measures and impact of the environmental review process / 1
TE7 .H5 no. 922 Improving estimates from flood studies. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 922 GB1399.2 Improving estimates from flood studies. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 923 Highway geometrics, interactive graphics, and laser mapping. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 923 TE175 Highway geometrics, interactive graphics, and laser mapping. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 924 Concrete overlays and inlays, effects of high temperature on concrete, and statistical techniques in construction. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 924 TE278 Concrete overlays and inlays, effects of high temperature on concrete, and statistical techniques in construction. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 925 Inland water transportation. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 925 HE627 Inland water transportation. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 926 Traffic control devices, 1983 / 1
TE7 .H5 no. 926 TE228 Traffic control devices, 1983 / 1
TE7 .H5 no. 927 Innovation in classification yard technology : proceedings of the Third Railroad Classification Yard Workshop. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 927 TF590 Innovation in classification yard technology : proceedings of the Third Railroad Classification Yard Workshop. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 928 Improving the quality and efficiency of transportation data. 1
TE7 .H5 no. 928 HE203 Improving the quality and efficiency of transportation data. 1