Call Number (LC) Title Results
TF140.K5 A3 Main line : fifty years of railroading with the Southern Pacific / 1
TF140.K9 A3 End of track / 1
TF140.K9 A3 1960 End of track / 1
TF140.L66 H49 2011 Engineer of Revolutionary Russia : Iurii V. Lomonosov (1876-1952) and the Railways. 2
TF140.M4 V67 Pavel Petrovich Melʹnikov, 1804-1880 / 1
TF140.N6 N66 2011 Nomura Ryūtarō den : Nomura Ryūtarō / 1
TF140.O77 O77 2001 Set up running : the life of a Pennsylvania railroad engineman, 1904-1949 / 1
TF140.S73 R56 George and Robert Stephenson. 1
TF140.S73 R6 1960  
TF140.S74 J43 2014eb The life of Robert Stephenson, F.R.S. : with descriptive chapters on some of his most important professional works. 1
TF140.S755 .F68 2013 John Frank Stevens : Civil Engineer. 1
TF144 .E13 Treatise on rail roads and internal communications 1
TF144 .R6 Statements, calculations and hints, relative to railroads, and moving power locomotive engines to be used thereon 1
TF144 .S845 1852 Documents tending to prove the superior advantages of rail-ways and steam carriages over canal navigation. 1
TF144 .T704 A practical treatise on rail-roads and carriages showing the principles of estimating their strength, proportions, expense, and annual produce, and the conditions which render them effective, economical, and durable; with the theory, effect, and expense of steam carriages, stationary engines, and gas machines / 1
TF145 Sustainable rail transport.
Rail human factors : supporting the integrated railway /
Wind forecasting in railway engineering
Sustainable rail transport 4 : innovate rail research and education /
Railway transportation : policies, technology and perspectives /
Recent developments in railway track and transportation engineering : proceedings of the 1st GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition, Egypt 2017 on sustainable civil infrastructures /
Dynamic interaction of train-bridge systems in high-speed railways : theory and applications /
Rail infrastructure resilience a best-practices handbook /
Sustainable Rail Transport
TF145 .A4 1943 Compendio di ferrovie : descrizione, calcolo e manutenzione delle locomotive, depositi ed officine, stazioni, signali, soprastruttura, lavori. 1
TF145 .A52 1911 Manual of the American Railway Engineering Association. 1
TF145 .A52 1973 Manual for railway engineering : fixed properties / 1