Call Number (LC) Title Results
TH1097 .S94 1964 Proceedings. 1
TH1097 .U515x Fallout shelter surveys : guide for architects and engineers. 1
TH1097 .U555 Above ground home fallout shelter / 1
TH1097 .W4 Aerial bombardment protection / 1
TH1098 Novel technology and whole-process management in prefabricated building : conference proceedings of the 5th International Prefabricated Building Seminar on Frontier Technology and Talent Training /
Composites for building assembly : connections, members and structures /
Temporary demountable structures : guidance on procurement, design and use /
TH1098 .B65 Vremennye zdani︠i︡a i sooruzheni︠i︡a v stroitelʹstve. 1
TH1098 .C35 Building blocks : design potentials and constraints / 1
TH1098 .C45 Housing from the factory : proceedings of the conference held at Church House, London, on 4th and 5th October, 1962 under the auspices of the Cement and Concrete Association. 1
TH1098 .D5 1965 Industrialised building 2 : 50 international methods / 1
TH1098 .D52 Industrialized building : 50 international methods / 1
TH1098 .G52 1999 Off-site fabrication : prefabrication, pre-assembly and modularisation / 1
TH1098 .G52x 1999 Off-site fabrication : prefabrication, pre-assembly and modularisation / 1
TH1098 .H47 Pioneers of prefabrication : the British contribution in the nineteenth century / 1
TH1098 .H685 Housing annual. 1
TH1098 .I49 Industrialized housing : materials compiled and prepared for the Subcommittee on Urban Affairs of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States. 1
TH1098 .K55 Fertighäuser, Montagebauweisen, industriemässiges Bauen dargestellt an deutschen und vielen ausländischen Beispielen / 1
TH1098 .K58 2023  
TH1098 .K6313 Manual of precast concrete construction with large reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete components : design, analysis and construction / 1
TH1098 .K65 1966 Handbuch der Fertigteil-Bauweise mit grossformatigen Stahl- und Spannbetonelementen. : Konstruktion, Berechnung und Bauausführung. 1
TH1098 .L36 2014eb Design in modular construction / 3