Call Number (LC) Title Results
TJ163.2 .D67 Energy, resources, & policy /
Energy, resources & policy /
TJ163.2 .E23 1995 Nontechnical guide to energy resources : availability, use, and impact /
Nontechnical guide to energy resources : availability, use and impact /
TJ163.2 .E38 1992 Emerging energy technologies : impacts and policy implications / 1
TJ163.2 .E44 2013eb Electrical design for ocean wave and tidal energy systems / 1
TJ163.2 .E45 Energy abstracts for policy analysis. 1
TJ163.2 .E456 Energy analysis / 1
TJ163.2 .E46 Energy and man : technical and social aspects of energy / 1
TJ163.2 .E462 Energy and people : social implications of different energy futures / 1
TJ163.2 .E4628 1981 Energy and the developing nations : proceedings of an Electric Power Research Institute workshop, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, March 18-20, 1980 / 1
TJ163.2 .E4634x Energy and the fate of ecosystems : the report of the Ecosystem Impacts Resource Group, Risk and Impact Panel of the Committee on Nuclear and Alternative Energy Systems, National Research Council. 1
TJ163.2 .E464 Energy & the environment : a structural analysis / 1
TJ163.2 .E4643 1983 Energy and the future / 1
TJ163.2 E4645 2007 Energy... beyond oil / 1
TJ163.2 .E4645 2007eb Energy-- beyond oil / 2
TJ163.2 .E4648 2010 Energy choices : a guide to facts and perspectives. 1
TJ163.2 .E47 Energy : demand vs. supply / 1
TJ163.2 .E475 Energy, facing up to the problem, getting down to solutions : a special report in the public interest / 1
TJ163.2 .E4754 1991 Energy for a habitable world : a call for action / 1
TJ163.2 .E4756 1995 Energy for the future / 1
TJ163.2 E4756 1995 Energy for the future / 1