Call Number (LC) Title Results
TJ163.28 .D53 2009eb Dictionary of energy
Dictionary of energy /
TJ163.28 .E53 2004eb Encyclopedia of energy 2
TJ163.28 .H67 2004eb Dictionary of energy efficiency technologies / 1
TJ163.28 .K87 1982 Dictionary of applied energy conservation / 2
TJ163.3 Efficient energy-saving control and optimization for multi-unit systems : a guide for electrical engineers /
Energy efficiency solutions /
UNLOCKING ENERGY EFFICIENCY maximizing utility savings with zero equipment investment.
Investment grade energy audit : making smart energy choices /
Solutions manual for the guide to energy management /
Energy management principles : applications, benefits, savings /
Supercharge me net zero faster.
Energy conservation guidebook /
Simple solutions to energy calculations /
Intelligent control and smart energy management : renewable resources and transportation /
Energy management -- collective and computational intelligence with theory and applications /
Thermoelectric energy conversion : basic concepts and device applications /
Guide to energy management /
Industrial energy management strategies : creating a culture of continuous improvement /
Energy resilient buildings and communities : a practical guide /
Practical solutions for energy savings : a guidebook for the manufacturer /
Energy centered management : a guide to reducing energy consumption and cost /
Handbook of web based energy information and control systems /
Managing energy costs : a behavioral and non-technical approach /
Managing energy from the top down : connecting industrial energy efficiency to business performance /
Energy efficiency : concepts and calculations /
Energy footprints of the bio-refinery, hotel, and building sectors /
New technologies for energy efficiency /
Innovation for energy efficiency proceedings of the European conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 15-17 September 1987 /
Handbook of process integration. minimisation of energy and water use, waste and emissions /
Guide to engery management
RGIE : Règlement Général sur les Installations Electriques : SGS.
Moving towards energy sufficiency /
Quantitative analysis and optimal control of energy efficiency in discrete manufacturing system
Energy efficiency and management for engineers /
Energy Conservation and Management.
Manual for intelligent energy services /
Warmes Wasser - Weiße Ware Energiewende im Badezimmer 1880-1939
Primary exergy cost of goods and services : an input-output approach /
TJ163.3 .A35 2011 Energy audits : a workbook for energy management in buildings / 2
TJ163.3 .A43 1977 Managing industrial energy conservation. 1
TJ163.3 .A5 Energy conservation materials package. 1
TJ163.3 .A76 2004 Efficiency and sustainability in the energy and chemical industries / 1
TJ163.3 .A94 1983 Organizing and managing for energy efficiency / 1
TJ163.3 .B42 2000eb Potential for industrial energy-efficiency improvement in the long term / 1
TJ163.3 .B425 2009 Energy : management, supply and conservation / 2
TJ163.3 .B43 1984 Behavioral approaches to energy conservation in organizations : a selected review of the literature / 1
TJ163.3 .B437 2017eb Energy management for the metals industry / 2
TJ163.3 .B44 2002 Energy : management, supply and conservation / 1
TJ163.3 .B457 2005 A roadmap for strategic energy planning and management / 1
TJ163.3 .B457 2005x A roadmap for strategic energy planning and management / 1
TJ163.3 .B68 1982 Econergy : the concept of plenty / 1
TJ163.3 .B76 Life cycle costing : a practical guide for energy managers / 1
TJ163.3 .B77 2018 Practical solutions for energy savings : a guidebook for the manufacturer / 1