Call Number (LC) Title Results
TJ163.5.D86 L34 The homemaker's book of energy savers / 2
TJ163.5.D86 L38 1982 Five degrees of conservation : a graphic analysis of energy alternatives for a northern climate / 1
TJ163.5.D86 L46 1987 Superinsulated design and construction : a guide for building energy-efficient homes / 1
TJ163.5.D86 M4 Home energy management : principles and practices / 1
TJ163.5.D86 M434 1990 Energy conservation in housing : a collection of data on energy-efficient housing approaches / 1
TJ163.5.D86 M543 2013 Innovation Development for Highly Energy-Efficient Housing : Opportunities and Challenges Related to the Adoption of Passive Houses. 1
TJ163.5.D86 O93 2022 Handbook of retrofitting high density residential buildings : policy design and implications on domestic energy use in the eastern Mediterranean climate of Cyprus / 1
TJ163.5.D86 R418 Residential energy consumption survey : conservation. 1
TJ163.5.D86 R47 The Residential energy audit manual / 1
TJ163.5.D86 R63 The energy efficient home : a manual for saving fuel and using solar, wood, and wind power / 1
TJ163.5.D86 R69 Stop burning your money : the intelligent homeowner's guide to household energy savings / 1
TJ163.5.D86 S25 2003 The energy saving house / 2
TJ163.5 .D86S27 1991 Resource-efficient housing : an annotated bibliography and directory of helpful organizations / 1
TJ163.5.D86 S28 Saving energy in your home : Princeton's experiments at Twin Rivers /
Saving energy in the home : Princeton's experiments at Twin Rivers /
TJ163.5.D86 S33 1985 Coming in from the cold : energy-wise housing in Sweden / 1
TJ163.5.D86 S34 2005eb The home energy diet : how to save money by making your house energy-smart / 1
TJ163.5.D86 S87 2013 Sustainable energy consumption in residential buildings /
Sustainable energy consumption in residential buildings
TJ163.5.D86 T42 1979 The Energy-wise homebuyer : a guide to selecting an energy-efficient home / 1
TJ163.5.D86 T49 2010eb Sustainable home refurbishment : the Earthscan expert guide to retrofitting homes for efficiency / 1
TJ163.5.D86 W3 30 energy-efficient houses ... you can build / 3