Call Number (LC) Title Results
TJ210.3 .I259 2018 Intelligent robotics and applications : 11th International Conference, ICIRA 2018, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, August 9-11, 2018, Proceedings. 1
TJ210.3 .I259 2019eb Intelligent robotics and applications : 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8-11, 2019, Proceedings.
Intelligent robotics and applications : 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8-11, 2019 : proceedings.
Intelligent robotics and applications 12th International Conference, ICIRA 2019, Shenyang, China, August 8-11, 2019, Proceedings.
TJ210.3 .I259 2021eb Intelligent Robotics and Applications : 14th International Conference, ICIRA 2021, Yantai, China, October 22-25, 2021, Proceedings.
Intelligent robotics and applications : 14th International Conference, ICIRA 2021, Yantai, China, October 22-25, 2021, Proceedings.
TJ210.3 .I259 2022eb Intelligent robotics and applications 15th International Conference, ICIRA 2022, Harbin, China, August 1-3, 2022, Proceedings.
Intelligent robotics and applications : 15th international conference, ICIRA 2022, Harbin, China, August 1-3, 2022 : proceedings.
TJ210.3 .I259 2023eb Intelligent Robotics and Applications : 16th International Conference, ICIRA 2023, Hangzhou, China, July 5-7, 2023, Proceedings.
Intelligent robotics and applications : 16th International Conference, ICIRA 2023, Hangzhou, China, July 5-7, 2023, Proceedings.
TJ210.3 .I28 2013 Intelligent robotics and applications : 6th international conference, ICIRA 2013, Busan, South Korea, September 25-28, 2013 : proceedings. 1
TJ210.3 .I35 2023 Intelligent robotics and applications 16th International Conference, ICIRA 2023, Hangzhou, China, July 5-7, 2023, Proceedings. 1
TJ210.3 .I37 2021 Interactive collaborative robotics : 6th international conference, ICR 2021, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 27-30, 2021 : proceedings / 1
TJ210.3 .I37 2022eb Interactive collaborative robotics : 7th International Conference, ICR 2022, Fuzhou, China, December 16-18, 2022, Proceedings / 1
TJ210.3 .I37 2023eb Interactive collaborative robotics : 8th International Conference, ICR 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan, October 25-29, 2023, Proceedings / 1
TJ210.3 .I38 2017 Robotics and mechatronics : proceedings of the fifth IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics & Mechatronics (ISRM 2017) / 1
TJ210.3 .I44 International Conference on Robotics : [proceedings]
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
TJ210.3 .I447 1994aeb Intelligent robots and systems selections of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 1994, IROS 94, Munich, Germany, 12-16 September 1994 / 1
TJ210.3 .I45 Proceedings - IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. 1
TJ210.3 .I53 1991 Intelligent robots and computer vision IX algorithms and techniques : 5-7 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts / 1
TJ210.3 .I53 1993 Intelligent robots and computer vision XII algorithms and techniques : 7-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts / 1
TJ210.3 .I55 2001 Intelligent robots and computer vision XX algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 29-31 October, 2001, Newton [Massachusetts] USA / 1
TJ210.3 .I55 2007eb Recent progress in robotics: viable robotic service to human an edition of the selected papers from the 13th International Conference on Advanced Robotics / 1
TJ210.3 .I553 2004 Intelligent robots and computer vision XXII algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 25-27 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA / 1
TJ210.3 .I5534 2006 Intelligent robots and computer vision XXIV algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 3-4 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA / 1