Call Number (LC) Title Results
TJ212.2 .S965 1998 System structure and control, 1997 : a proceedings volume from the 4th IFAC Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 23-25 October 1997 / 1
TJ212.2 .S97 1992 System structure and control preprints of the IFAC workshop, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 3-5 September 1992 / 1
TJ212.2 .U35 1996 UKACC International Conference on Control : [proceedings] 1
TJ212.2 .W65 1994 Proceedings of Workshop on Advances in Control and Its Applications / 1
TJ212.2 .W67 1990 Mechanics and control : proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Control Mechanics, in honor of the 65th birthday of George Leitmann, January 22-24, 1990, University of Southern California / 2
TJ212.2 .W67 1992 Mechanics and control : proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Control Mechanics, Jan. 21-23, 1991, University of Southern California, USA / 1
TJ212.3 .S97 2001 System structure and control 2001 : a proceedings volume from the 1st IFAC/IEEE symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-31 August 2001 / 1
TJ212.4 .A38 2006 Advanced topics in control systems theory : lecture notes from FAP 2005 / 1
TJ212.4 .A38 2006eb Advanced topics in control systems theory lecture notes from FAP 2005 / 1
TJ212.5 .A4 Russko-anglo-nemetsko-frantsuzskiĭ slovar' terminov po avtomaticheskomu upravleniiu. 1
TJ212.5 .A9 Avtomatizatsiia proizvodstva i promyshlennaia elektronika / 1
TJ212.5 .B5 Dictionary of automatic control / 1
TJ212.5 .C55 1971 Elsevier's dictionary of computers, automatic control and data processing. : In six languages: English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and German. 1
TJ212.5 .E38 Elsevier's dictionary of automatic control, in four languages : English/American, French, German, and Russian / 1
TJ212.5 .E4 Elsevier's dictionary of automation, computers, control, and measuring : in six languages: English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and German. Compiled and arr. on an English alphabetical base by W. E. Clason. 1
TJ212.5 .E4 Supp.1 Russian supplement to Elsevier's dictionary of automation, computers, control and measuring / 1
TJ212.5 .M8 Multilingual dictionary of automatic control terminology / 1
TJ212.5 .M83 1981eb Multilingual glossary of automatic control technology : English, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Japanese / 1
TJ213 Complex systems : spanning control and computational cybernetics : foundations -- dedicated to Professor Georgi M. Dimirovski on his anniversary /
Cyber-collaborative algorithms and protocols : optimizing agricultural robotics /
Dynamic modeling of automatic machines for design and control /
Fault-tolerant control for time-varying delayed T-S fuzzy systems /
Smart sensors measurement and instrumentation : select proceedings of CISCON 2021 /
Applied fractional calculus in identification and control /
Control and information sciences select proceedings of CISCON 2022 /
Cyber physical systems : design, modeling, and evaluation : 6th International Workshop, CyPhy 2016, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, October 6, 2016, Revised selected papers /
Vehicular cyber physical systems : adaptive connectivity and security /
Prototyping of concurrent control systems implemented in FPGA devices
Control synthesis of switched systems /
Automatic control systems : with MATLAB /
The MANTIS Book Cyber Physical System Based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance.
Modern Control : State-Space Analysis and Design Methods /
Multiple model approaches to nonlinear modelling and control /
Cyber-physical systems /
Design and analysis of control systems : driving the fourth industrial revolution /
Coordination control of distributed systems /
Modeling, identification, and control for cyberphysical systems towards Industry 4.0
SIGNALS AND CONTROL SYSTEMS : applications for home health monitoring.
Fuzzy-like multiple objective multistage decision making /
Implementing polytope projects for smart systems /
Third International Conference on Command, Control, Communications and Management Information Systems : 2-4 May 1989 : venue, Bournemouth International Centre, UK /
Advances in robust control and applications /
Complex systems : relationships between control, communications and computing /
Distributed cooperative model predictive control of networked systems /
Smart electromechanical systems : the central nervous system /
Optimal Event-Triggered Control Using Adaptive Dynamic Programming /
Discrete-time recurrent neural control : analysis and applications /
Control system analysis and identification with MATLAB : block pulse and related orthogonal functions /
Analysis and Control of Underactuated Mechanical Systems /
Design and analysis of control systems : case studies /
Automation 2017 : innovations in automation, robotics and measurement techniques /
Recent developments in automatic control systems /
Analog automation and digital feedback control techniques /
Cyber-physical systems in the built environment
Formal Specification and Synthesis of Procedural Controllers for Process Systems
Emerging Trends for Securing Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things /
Advances in control instrumentation systems select proceedings of CISCON 2019 /
Control system design guide : using your computer to understand and diagnose feedback controllers /
Robustness in identification and control /
Advanced control of piezoelectric micro-/nano-positioning systems /
Big data analytics for cyber-physical systems
Computation-aware algorithmic design for cyber-physical systems /
Cyber-physical system design from an architecture analysis viewpoint : communications of NII Shonan Meetings /
Automatic Control Systems, Tenth Edition /
Data-driven modeling of cyber-physical systems using side-channel analysis
Optimal and robust control : advanced topics with MATLAB.
Springer handbook of automation /
Zonotopes from guaranteed state-estimation to control /
Performance analysis and synthesis for discrete-time stochastic systems with network-enhanced complexities /
Cyber-physical systems : data science, modelling and software optimization /
Analysis and Synthesis of Polynomial Discrete-Time Systems.
CAD for control systems /
Advanced Process Identification and Control /
Data driven strategies : theory and applications /
Analysis and synthesis of singular systems
Cyber physical computing for IoT-driven services /
Automatic control systems in biomedical engineering : an interactive educational approach /
Zonotopes : from guaranteed state-estimation to control /
Cyber-physical systems : modelling and intelligent control /
Emergence of cyber physical system and IoT in smart automation and robotics computer engineering in automation /
Cyber-physical systems a model-based approach /
Secure and trustworthy transportation cyber-physical systems
Machine learning control by symbolic regression
Strict-feedback nonlinear systems : gain control design /
Automatic identification /
Instrumentation and control systems /
Variance-constrained multi-objective stochastic control and filtering /
Stabilisation and Motion Control of Unstable Objects /
Multiple objective control synthesis /
Control Using Logic-Based Switching /
Discrete-time sliding mode control for networked control system /
Practical controls : a guide to mechanical systems /
Automatic control, robotics, and information processing
Nonlinear pinning control of complex dynamical networks : analysis and applications /
Cyber-Physical Systems : Solutions to Pandemic Challenges.
Event-triggered active disturbance rejection control theory and applications /
Cyber-physical systems : design and application for Industry 4.0 /
Developments in advanced control and intelligent automation for complex systems /
Secure control of networked control systems and its applications /
Society 5.0 cyberspace for advanced human-centered society /
Interval reachability analysis : bounding trajectories of uncertain systems with boxes for control and verification /
Cyber-physical systems : intelligent models and algorithms /
Industrial process identification : perturbation signal design and applications /
Components and instruments for distributed control systems proceedings of the IFAC symposium, Paris, France, 9-11 December 1982 /
Packet-based control for networked control systems : a co-design approach /
Automation 2018 : advances in automation, robotics and measurement techniques /
Foundations of fuzzy control : a practical approach /
Analysis and synthesis of fault-tolerant control systems /
Filtering, control, and fault detection with randomly occurring incomplete information /
Operator-based nonlinear control systems : design and applications /
The dynamics of automatic control systems /
The cell control report.
Software for computer control 1982 : proceedings of the Third IFAC/IFIP Symposium, Madrid, Spain, 5-8 October 1982 /
Control applications of nonlinear programming : proceedings of the IFAC workshop, Denver, Colorado, USA, 21 June 1979 /
Control and dynamic systems. advances in theory and applications /
Software for computer control : proceedings of the second IFAC/IFIP Symposium on Software for Computer Control, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 11-15 June 1979 /
Estimation and control of large-scale networked systems /
Active disturbance rejection control of dynamic systems : a flatness based approach /
Control systems : an introduction /
Foundations of multi-paradigm modelling for cyber-physical systems /
Applied Research in Fuzzy Technology Three years of research at the Laboratory for International Fuzzy Engineering (LIFE), Yokohama, Japan /
Motion control of underactuated mechanical systems /
Active fault-tolerant control systems : a behavioral system theoretic perspective /
Cyber physical systems : design, modeling, and evaluation : 7th International Workshop, CyPhy 2017, Seoul, South Korea, October 15-20, 2017, Revised selected papers /
Piecewise affine control : continuous-time, sampled-data, and networked systems /
Cyber-physical systems : solutions to pandemic challenges /
An Expert Systems Approach to Computer-Aided Design of Multivariable Systems /
Near-sensor and in-sensor computing
Cyber-physical systems : architecture, security and application /
Optimal and robust control : advanced topics with MATLAB /
Advances in control system technology for aerospace applications /
Diagnosis and fault-tolerant control /
Event-triggered cooperative control : analysis and synthesis /
Sampled-data control for periodic objects /
Fuzzy Control : Theory and Practice.
Advanced optimal control and applications involving critic intelligence /
Artificial intelligence & blockchain in cyber physical systems : technologies & applications /
Isochronous wireless network for real-time communication in industrial automation /
Human-in-the-loop learning and control for robot teleoperation /
Advances in state estimation, diagnosis and control of complex systems
Analysis and Synthesis of Delta Operator Systems with Actuator Saturation /
Learning and robust control in quantum technology /
Intelligent networked teleoperation control /
Analysis and control of complex dynamical systems : robust bifurcation, dynamic attractors, and network complexity /
Control and estimation methods over communication networks /
Cyber-physical systems industry 4.0 challenges /
Introduction to Simulink® : with Engineering Applications.
Singular Control Systems /
Industrial internet of things : cybermanufacturing systems /
Cognitive security : a system-scientific approach /
Control of complex systems theory and applications /
Automation 2019 : progress in automation, robotics and measurement techniques /
Dissipative systems analysis and control : theory and applications /
Smart electromechanical systems : situational control /
An introduction to fractional control /
Robustness in identification and control
Industrial applications of fuzzy logic andintelligent systems /
Zhang-gradient control /
TJ213 97 vol. 37eb Advances in industrial systems 1