Call Number (LC) Title Results
TJ213 .N265 1981 Control systems engineering / 1
TJ213 .N2655 2003 Optimal control systems
Optimal control systems /
TJ213 .N37 2022 Cyber-physical systems : theory, methodology, and applications / 2
TJ213 .N44 2008eb Networked control systems theory and applications / 1
TJ213 .N48 2010 Networked control systems 1
TJ213 .N497 1991 Control systems engineering / 1
TJ213 .N497 1995 Control systems engineering / 1
TJ213 .N497 2000 Control systems engineering / 1
TJ213 .N497 2007 Control systems engineering / 1
TJ213 .N497 2019 Control systems engineering / 1
TJ213 .N568 2003 Nonlinear control of engineering systems : a Lyapunov-based approach / 1
TJ213 .N568 2003eb Nonlinear control of engineering systems : a Lyapunov-based approach / 1
TJ213 .N569 1995eb Nonlinear control systems design, 1995 : a postprint volume from the 3rd IFAC Symposium, Tahoe City, California, USA, 25-28 June 1995 / 2
TJ213 .N6 1965 Introduction to variational methods in control engineering
Introduction to variational methods in control engineering /
TJ213 .N622 1992 The principle of self-support in control systems / 1
TJ213 .N67 Advances in control systems : including technical evaluation report. 1
TJ213 .N67 2007eb Control of dead-time processes 1
TJ213 .N86 2018 A practical introduction to human-in-the-loop cyber-physical systems / 4
TJ213 .O15 2000 Model reduction for control system design / 1
TJ213 .O28 Modern control engineering. 1