Call Number (LC) Title Results
TJ216 .D67 2005 Modern control systems / 1
TJ216 .D67 2011 Modern control systems / 1
TJ216 .D67 2016 Modern control systems / 1
TJ216 .D69 1992 Feedback control theory / 1
TJ216 .E39 1991 Control system design guide using your computer to develop and diagnose feedback controllers / 1
TJ216 .E39 2000 Control system design guide : using your computer to understand and diagnose feedback controllers / 1
TJ216 .E4 Introduction to feedback control systems / 1
TJ216 .E415 2000 Control of complex and uncertain systems : new types of feed back / 1
TJ216 .E42 1998 Control of indefinite nonlinear dynamic systems : induced internal feedback / 1
TJ216 .E87 2003 Switching and learning in feedback systems European Summer School on Multi-Agent Control, Maynooth, Ireland, September 8-10, 2003 : revised lectures and selected papers /
Switching and learning in feedback systems : European Summer School on Multi-Agent Control, Maynooth, Ireland, September 8-10, 2003 : revised lectures and selected papers /
TJ216 .F3  
TJ216 .F43 2008 Robust synchronization of chaotic systems via feedback / 1
TJ216 .F43 2008eb Robust synchronization of chaotic systems via feedback 1
TJ216 .F44 2004 Feedback control of computing systems /
Feedback control of computing systems
TJ216 .F44 2012 Feedback control of MEMS to atoms 1
TJ216 .F723 1986 Feedback control of dynamic systems / 1
TJ216 .F723 1991 Feedback control of dynamic systems / 1
TJ216 .F723 1994 Feedback control of dynamic systems / 1
TJ216 .F723 2002 Feedback control of dynamic systems / 1
TJ216 .F723 2006 Feedback control of dynamic systems / 1