Call Number (LC) Title Results
TJ223.C6 J65 1969 Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Digital Methods of Measurement, Wednesday 23rd to Friday 25 July, 1969, University of Kent at Canterbury. 1
TJ223.L5 L487 2012 Solids level measurement and detection handbook / 1
TJ223 .M53 Artificial Intelligence Resources in Control and Automation Engineering. 1
TJ223.M53 Event-based state estimation a stochastic perspective /
Electronics projects with the ESP8266 and ESP32 building web pages, applications, and Wifi enabled devices /
Introduction to applied digital controls
Applied artificial higher order neural networks for control and recognition /
Electronics projects with the ESP8266 and ESP32 : building web pages, applications, and Wifi enabled devices /
Digital Control Engineering : Analysis and Design.
Programming microcontrollers with Python experience the power of embedded Python.
Programming microcontrollers with Python : experience the power of embedded Python.
Make : Volume 79
True digital control : statistical modelling and non-minimal state space design /
Modern Digital Control Systems /
C programming for the PIC microcontroller demystify coding with embedded programming /
C programming for the PIC microcontroller : demystify coding with embedded programming /
Digital control engineering : analysis and design /
TJ223.M53 A66 2001 Applied and computational control, signals, and circuits : recent developments / 1
TJ223.M53 A67 1985 Applied digital control / 1
TJ223.M53 A92 2000 The 80251 microcontroller / 1
TJ223.M53B345 2017 Microcontroller engineering with MSP432 : fundamentals and applications / 2
TJ223.M53 B38 1994 Logic synthesis for control automata / 1
TJ223.M53 B544 2010 Essentials of control techniques and theory 2
TJ223.M53 C4 2002 Computer control of processes / 1
TJ223.M53 C48 2004 PID trajectory tracking control for mechanical systems / 1
TJ223.M53 D47 2005 Design of embedded control systems / 1
TJ223.M53 D54 2001 Digital controller implementation and fragility : a modern perspective / 1
TJ223.M53 F33 2009eb Digital control engineering analysis and design / 2
TJ223.M53 F33 2012 Digital control engineering : analysis and design / 1
TJ223.M53 F33 2013 Digital control engineering : analysis and design / 1
TJ223.M53 F33 2013eb Digital control engineering : analysis and design / 2
TJ223.M53 F73 1980 Digital control of dynamic systems / 2
TJ223.M53 F73 1990 Digital control of dynamic systems / 2