Call Number (LC) Title Results
TJ223.P76 B377 2006eb Interfacing PIC microcontrollers embedded design by interactive simulation / 1
TJ223.P76 B379 2011 PIC Microcontrollers : an Introduction to Microelectronics. 1
TJ223.P76 B3792 2014 Interfacing PIC microcontrollers : embedded design by interactive simulation / 1
TJ223.P76 B3793 2008eb Programming 8-bit PIC microcontrollers in C : with interactive hardware simulation /
Programming 8-bit PIC microcontrollers in C with interactive hardware simulation /
TJ223.P76 B38 1994 Programmable controllers : hardware, software, and applications / 2
TJ223.P76 B38 2012eb PIC microcontrollers an introduction to microelectronics / 1
TJ223.P76 B384 2014 Interfacing PIC microcontrollers : embedded design by interactive simulation / 2
TJ223.P76 B3954 2013 C programming for Arduino. 1
TJ223.P76 B46797 2009 Automating with SIMATIC : controllers, software, programming, data communication, operator control and process monitoring / 1
TJ223.P76 B58 2013eb Exploring Arduino : tools and techniques for engineering wizardry / 3
TJ223.P76 B58 2015 Arduino programming in 24 hours / 1
TJ223.P76 B64 2012eb Beginning Android ADK with Arduino
Beginning Android ADK with Arduino /
TJ223.P76 B65 2006eb Programmable logic controllers /
Programmable logic controllers
TJ223.P76 B65 2009 Programmable logic controllers
Programmable logic controllers /
TJ223.P76B65 2009 Programmable Logic Controllers. 1
TJ223.P76 B65 2009eb Programmable logic controllers
Programmable logic controllers /
TJ223.P76 B655 2018 Microcontroller education : do it yourself, reinvent the wheel, code to learn / 1
TJ223.P76 B665 2021  
TJ223.P76 B68 2013eb Arduino workshop : a hands-on introduction with 65 projects / 2
TJ223.P76 B688 2023 AVR workshop : a hands-on introduction with over 60 projects / 1