Call Number (LC) Title Results
TJ5 .I58 2020 Proceedings of MEACM 2020 : mechanical engineering and applied composite materials /
Advances in mechanical and industrial engineering : proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (ICAMIE 2020), December 11-13, 2020, Odisha, India /
Recent trends in mechanical engineering : select proceedings of ICOFTIME 2020 /
TJ5 .I58 2021 Machine and industrial design in mechanical engineering : proceedings of KOD 2021 /
Innovations in mechanical engineering : select proceedings of ICIME 2021 /
Computational and experimental methods in mechanical engineering : proceedings of ICCEMME 2021 /
Recent trends in engineering design : select proceedings of ICCEMME 2021 /
Advances in mechanism design III : proceedings of TMM 2020 /
TJ5 .I58 2022 Explorations in the history and heritage of machines and mechanisms : 7th International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms (HMM) / 1
TJ5 .I58 2022eb Experimental research and numerical simulation in applied sciences proceedings of the International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNNTech 2022 / 1
TJ5 .I58 2023 Advances in industrial and production engineering : select proceedings of FLAME 2022 /
Advances in mechanical engineering and material science select proceedings of ICAMEMS 2023 /
Advances in materials and agile manufacturing select proceedings of CPIE 2023 /
Advances in materials, mechanics and manufacturing. Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing (A3M'2023), March 20-21, 2023, Sousse, Tunisia /
TJ5 .I5828 2019e Innovative Science and Technology in Mechanical Engineering for Industry 4.0 : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICOME2019) : 28-29 August 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia / 1
TJ5 .I584 2014eb Applied decisions in area of mechanical engineering and industrial manufacturing : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Control, and Electronic Information (ICMCEI 2014), June 27-29, 2014, Taiwan /
Advanced research on mechanical and electronic information engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronic Engineering (ICMEE 2014), June 21-22, 2014, Wuhan, China /
Advanced concepts in mechanical engineering I : Selected, peer reviewed papers from a Collection of Papers from the 6th International Conference on Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering (ACME 2014), June 12-13, 2014, Iași, Romania /
Advanced materials, structures and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Materials, Structures and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMSME 2014), May 3-4, 2014, Incheon, South-Korea /
Advanced concepts in mechanical engineering II : selected, peer reviewed papers from a Collection of Papers from the 6th International Conference on Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering (ACME 2014), June 12-13, 2014, Iași, Romania /
Advanced development in industry and applied mechanics : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanics Engineering (ICAME 2014), July 28-29, Hong Kong, China /
Problems of mechanics in pump and compressor engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the XIV International Scientific and Engineering Conference on Hermetic Sealing, Vibration Reliability and Ecological Safety of Pump and Compressor Machinery (HERVICON+PUMPS 2014), September 9-12, 2014, Sumy, Ukraine /
Mechanical and electronics engineering VI : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 6th International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2014), August 16-17, 2014, Beijing, China /
Mechanical engineering, materials and information technology II : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Material Engineering (MECEM 2014), September 27-28, 2014, Wuhan, China /
Applied research in materials and mechanics engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 (MEME 2014), June 21-22, 2014, London, UK /
Mechanical engineering, materials and energy III : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy (ICMEME 2013), November 9-10, 2013, Changsha, China /
TJ5 .I584 2015eb Recent trends in materials, mechanical engineering, automation and information engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering, (ICRTMME 2015), January 15-16, 2015, Auckland, New Zealand / 1
TJ5 .I584 2023 Advances in mechanism and machine science : proceedings of the 16th IFToMM World Congress 2023. 2
TJ5 .M35 2004 Manufacturing engineering and materials handling : 2004 : presented at 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 13-19, 2004, Anaheim, California, USA / 1
TJ5 .M384 2014eb Materials and mechanical engineering : selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Workshop on Materials and Mechanical Engineering (WMME 2013), November 20-22, 2013, Xianning, China / 1
TJ5 .M43 2012 Mechanisms, transmissions and applications 1
TJ5 .M43 2015eb Mechanisms, transmissions and applications : proceedings of the Third MeTrApp Conference 2015 / 1
TJ5 .M434 2014eb Mechanical, electronic and engineering technologies (ICMEET 2014) : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Mechanical, Electronic and Engineering Technology (ICMEET 2014), May 9-11, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan / 1
TJ5 .M63 2019eb Advances in Mechanical Engineering Selected Contributions from the Conference Modern Engineering: Science and Education, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 2019 / 1
TJ5 .M63 2022 Advances in mechanical engineering : selected contributions from the conference "Modern Engineering : Science and Education", Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 2021 / 1
TJ5 .P764 2014eb Progress in mechanical engineering and technology : special topic volume with peer reviewed papers / 1
TJ5 .P77 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 1
TJ5 .R43 2020eb Recent advances in mechanical infrastructure : proceedings of ICRAM 2021 / 1
TJ5 .R43 2021 Recent advances in mechanical infrastructure : proceedings of ICRAM 2020 / 1