Call Number (LC) Title Results
TJ782 .S52 1999 SI engine modeling. 1
TJ782 .S52 2001 SI engine modeling and simulation. 1
TJ785 Modelling spark ignition combustion
Nonlinear model predictive control of combustion engines : from fundamentals to applications /
Apache Spark 2.x cookbook : Cloud-ready recipes to do analytics and data science on Apache Spark /
Spark ignition engine modeling and control system design : a guide to model-in-the-loop hierarchical control methodology /
Introduction to Apache Spark /
TJ785 .A52 1965 Audels gas engine manual / 1
TJ785 .A64 Proceedings of the ... Spring Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division : presented at the ... Spring Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division / 1
TJ785 .A66 1995 Applications and developments in new engine design and components. 1
TJ785 .C45 2011 An innovative 3D-CFD-approach towards virtual development of internal combustion engines 1
TJ785 .C85 Internal fire / 1
TJ785 .D47 The high-speed compression-ignition engine. 1
TJ785 .D57 Zweitakt-Praktikum : Betriebs-Taschenbuch für kleine vergaser-zweitakt Motoren / 1
TJ785 .E97 2001 Experimental investigation of SI engines. 1
TJ785 .G53 One hundred years of the Otto-cycle engine / 1
TJ785 .G64 The design and construction of oil engines : with full directions for erecting, testing, installing, running and repairing; including descriptions of American and English kerosene oil engines. 1
TJ785 .I55 Installation practices for internal combustion engines. 1
TJ785 .I57 2011eb Internal combustion engines : performance, fuel economy and emissions : 29-30 November 2011 / 1
TJ785 .I7 1968 Two-stroke power units : their design and application / 1
TJ785 .J2 Éléments de la théorie des moteurs à combustion interne à régime rapide. 1
TJ785 .J3 Le cycle à deux temps : étude cinématique et thermique / 1
TJ785 .J82 Automobile and aircraft engines. 1
TJ785 .L32 1966 Triebwerke schnellaufender Verbrennungsmotoren : Grundlagen zur Berechnung und Konstruktion / 1